but not as bad as the planned American version with adam carolla...
the Polar Special is available in 1080p...the one where they got in trouble for drinking & driving...
ditto on the packaging...
was easy to setup for dad 'til we got to the test disc...that looks like it'll take some time/patience...he wanted to watch the U.S. Open & a couple of the three auto races so i didn't get to see Gran Torino (i can spell now)...maybe some other time...
i see NAD's got a new blu-ray player for over twice the price of the OPPO...i have a hard time believing it's any better...
i've got the otterbox case (3g defender)...the clip broke so i started putting it in my pocket...there's a trick to keeping the front screen of the case from sticking (watermarking)...you can dust it very lightly with baby powder or the like...
recently i dropped my 3g from a decent height & the bottom of the inner plastic molding shattered (but the phone made it out unscathed)...i called up otterbox as they have a lifetime warranty...they took my info & shipped me a replacement free of charge...they didn't ask for the damaged one to be returned or even for proof of purchase...
anyways...has anyone who's already received their 3g s experienced this--> IPhone 3G S plagued by sound issues? : Boy Genius Report ?...seems like it could get annoying...
upgrade price for me is $500...
i'm hoping that the non-commitment price makes it to the at&t online store so that bing/live cashback can be used making it $500 again, but w/o the contract extension...
but i'll probably crack next week...