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Everything posted by emelius

  1. not paying until i go to pick her up, but Rado repair... it's always the crown...
  2. friday night with jonathan ross on bbc america hd...only because jeremy clarkson's one of the guests...& it's in 1080i heh...
  3. emelius

    Top Gear

    blah...they're trying again: BBC News - Top Gear to have spin-off in US what a trainwreck...this iteration seems more along the lines of fifth gear...like most, i won't be watching...& i'm glad to be getting BBC America HD finally:)...
  4. liking it so far...mainly because it isn't safari...
  5. Shaun the Sheep...streamed through OPPO from QNAP NAS...trying not to be in a bad mood all the time... catchy theme song...
  6. ^^i have a pair that i took with me to Costa Rica...they were great for whitewater rafting & at the beach...only real problem i've had is that one of my toes doesn't fit properly in the allotted space...that can be painful after a bit, but i never wear mine all day...
  7. ^^in that case, you can skip the break in period...
  8. ^^pics or it didn't happen...
  9. finishing break in on the kuro so it's all 1.78 & 1.85 (no bars) aspect ratio stuff... so far that's meant apocalypto, up, [monsters, inc.], toy story 1 & 2, damages, breaking bad, & fantastic mr. fox... having to mux/split .mkv for playback on the oppo's usb input (could be the thumb drive i'm using), but i've just installed a new slim fan to my nas so i should have that back up for streaming purposes shortly...
  10. ever since J. Clarkson mentioned it on Top Gear, i've wanted to eat one...it's never been on the menu during my travels... i thought i'd get lucky & find one in Ireland, but i was on the wrong side...their puffin population is to the south...
  11. can you still eat puffin (<--not meant as a euphemism) in iceland?...
  12. planet earth on blu-ray...the david attenborough (not sigourney weaver) narrated one...i guess oprah's doing the new “life” series...npr says she botched it... it's dipped below $30 shipped on amazon uk & is region free:)... the 101fd delivery's tomorrow...
  13. do you take visitors?...i've always wanted a 588...i've put the thought of ever owning an 808.2i far out of mind...congrats... on my end, i just ordered an oppo bdp-80 for my dad...this means i can finally have my bdp-83 back for use with my kuro:)...
  14. Baby Hitler approves of this message...
  15. glossy has better contrast...lemme know if you run into any hafta have discs...i'm in the same boat:)...
  16. you decided to go glossy over matte...living on the edge... how many blu-ray discs have you bought today?...
  17. would you say that Tag Team is back again?...
  18. coincidence, or is there some huge sale going on?...
  19. nice, thanks...i was unbelievably stressed researching...i found a 6020 that probably would've been quite good w/a professional calibration, but 50" looks just right to me so i wasn't going to try to convince myself otherwise...especially considering the $1500+ difference between the 101 & 141:)... & for the anal retentive in me, the 50" has superior PQ due to pixel spacing...
  20. http://www.vimeo.com/9309973 amuses me to no end...
  21. it was an epic battle in which i had to fend off the magnolian whores... they found one for me in Gurnee, Illinois of all places...
  22. Pioneer Elite Signature Series KURO PRO-101FD [ATTACH=CONFIG]2712[/ATTACH] I could only stand reading so many comparisons to the Kuros before having to see for myself:cool:... this one is supposed to have the best PQ of the lot...
  23. just because this thread isn't moving & my sister is a dork: [ATTACH=CONFIG]2672[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2673[/ATTACH] i didn't ask if she stole any tech...
  24. woohoo!...i'll tell my sister you said that, thanks...she's working on the show Spartacus over on STARZ now if anyone cares... i really liked the last episode, but you're right about it feeling rushed...
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