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Everything posted by emelius

  1. Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Competition...
  2. also lucky here...i mean...after the exchange for the stuck pixels:)...
  3. BREWED starring Dogfish Head's Sam Calagione debuts on Discovery Channel | Beernews.org <--that when it comes out... & James May's Toy Stories...reminds me of My Sisters' Top Toys...just a different direction...
  4. "now my goddamn cat is homeless"....love it... i was able to get my iPhone 4 exchanged for one w/o stuck pixels...they tried to give me a 16GB at first, but someone knew of a 32GB in the back...that was kind of suspicious:)... while i was there, there was an indian woman there trying desperately to buy a white one...i think she left still believing they were lying to her... not 'nuf FaceTime with Michelle, the uber-sex kitten helping me...i almost stayed to buy a case, but they were just too hideous...
  5. i know, but i'd be swapping from iPhone 4 to iPhone 4...i was meaning to avoid standing there needing info & having to rely on them:)... i have other lines...
  6. ah...that's a clusterfuck... i hope with my exchange we can just switch sims...after reading that, i'll bring a spare along...
  7. i activated over the phone & all it did was disconnect my old phone... i got on at&t's online chat & they said you have to activate with itunes... i did & it was very quick...i can't stand itunes & usually delete it when not in use, but i'd suggest it to activate if you don't want to waste your morning...
  8. ^^did you activate in itunes?...
  9. i had to be very pointed with my arguments with the at&t store, but, at the end of the day, they couldn't ignore the notation Premier put on my account (kudos to them!)...the local store's putting one aside for me to be exchanged any time Tuesday... still loving the phone, despite the multitasking that isn't...
  10. emelius

    Top Gear

    assuming you've all seen it by now... thought the volcano action'd be great as a supplement to the polar special... the reliant would've been fine if the steering wheel was on the correct side haha... definitely excited about the new reasonably priced car idea, but not the car itself... Bill Bailey's always a welcome addition & I 3>'d the Human League reference:)...
  11. ^^same... hope it's a full season...
  12. i just found it amusing as we both are using iPhone 4...
  13. ^^ This video_h264 requires Flash 8 or newer. Go to Adobe - Adobe Flash Player to get it! hahaha...
  14. they're stealing stars from other shows for this season...but i think i'm almost done too... unless they do an evil dead episode...
  15. did you ask any of the cute girls in line if they wanted some of your facetime?...
  16. if anyone cares, when i called premier about replacing my phone with the dead pixel(s) they called my local at&t store & set up the exchange...the store obviously has sold out but is expecting to have more in store on the 29th...so that may be a good time to try again if ya missed out today... this is a big change from how i was treated when it was cingular/ameritech/cingular/blue/orange...i'm not getting my hopes up that they'll return to kissing their business clients asses, but it did take me back:)...
  17. i'm just glad to have it back...give it time...looks like they're showing the very first episode later this evening 'lest my box deceive me...
  18. new Burn Notice... THEN NEW FUTURAMA!!!...heh...
  19. ha...returning my iPhone 4 because of a dead pixel... maybe i should wait a week for the hoopla to die down... son of a bitch...
  20. Bamboo iPhone4 Case (pre-order deposit) by Grove | Bamboo iPhone Case - Laser Engraved - GroveMade someone linked me to this...kinda pricey i admit...
  21. Some iPhone 4 models dropping calls when held left-handed, including ours (video) - Engadget for the lazy...& since i love using this thing...
  22. mine doesn't appear to have either the yellow spots/stripes or left-handed calls issue that engadget's on about, but man would i be pissed if it did... wonder if it can be traced to texas vs. china units...or if it's just a bad batch...
  23. everything's snappy on my iPhone 4...i wouldn't bother putting ios 4 on the 3g...the crappiness of safari etc on the 3g is one of the major reasons i upgraded...ios 4 doesn't belong on the 3g imho...
  24. the CardStar app is still a great idea...& it still doesn't work:rolleyes:... tried scanning it w/o the screen protector on...no dice...first app to go... at least i didn't make a twat of myself in front of a cute checkout girl...& i didn't hold up the line...
  25. spending a lotta time turning off annoying features... the screen is really good...i'm playing 'round with hd quicktime videos on vimeo... definitely worth the upgrade from 3g:)...
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