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Everything posted by emelius

  1. Cigar City Big Sound...lil' bit sweet, but good...now sleep...
  2. just getting around to an inspection...that's most of what I acquired as a result of Dark Lord Day... 5 x Dark Lord 2011 1 x Surly Darkness 1 x Flossmoor Bourbon Barrel Aged Hi-Fi Rye 1 x Flossmoor Hi-Fi Rye 1 x Jester King Black Metal 1 x HalfAcre Big Hugs 1 x HalfAcre Marty Stouffer's Wild America 1 x The Bruery/Cigar City Marrón Acidifié 1 case of FFF Evil Power, 2 HalfAcre Daisy Cutters, 1 Cigar City Papaya IPA & 1 Surly Coffee Bender not pictured...
  3. the Dark is quite good...these were batch 3...I think there are still some batch 2s out there in bigger bottles...very high abv....I'd sooner compare the two Dark batches if I had it to do over again...
  4. & I opened up one of my Jackie O's Orange Oaks...superb...
  5. over the weekend Sun King & Hoosier Beer Geek had another Tailgate for Nothing event... my buddy Ross was there sharing Colt 45 Blast!...I wish I could capture the correct color of that one...it's really something... I setup my little table with various Cigar City brews...that's Marron Acidifie (collab with The Bruery), Papaya IPA, Big Sound, Improvisacion, Vuja De & Sea Bass...then, later, we opened up a Bolita Brown... wish I had taken more pics whilst making the rounds...I had some Upland Dantalion, Balls Hop Extremecy, Flat12 Vanilla Porter, Alaskan Smoked Porter (yum), & a number of beers that'll probably come to me later... someone brought over a New Glarus Gueuze, Golden Ale & IIPA:)... I decided to stage a Nøgne Ø Horizon tasting...the consensus seemed to be the Dark was best followed by the Sweet then the Red...they're not really comparable, though...they vary from batch to batch & the Red uses sake yeast...
  6. coffee...but just you wait...
  7. more FFF Evil Power:)... & some Left Hand/Terrapin Oxymoron...a Teutonic India Pale Ale/Lager...frothy, malty & nice...
  8. thanks...that's one I haven't tried...
  9. Terrapin So Fresh & So Green, Green...nice, refreshing...something they should give to athletes during breaks instead of barley water...just to make things interesting...it's more like a hop solution than a beer...wish I could get Terrapin here...instead, I have to depend on the kindness of strangers:)...
  10. cool...can i see the bottle for the Wanderer?...
  11. reuters has pics of three dead guys found in the compound...gruesome...
  12. sanpellegrino aranciata...i'm in recovery mode...
  13. oh & got a case of Evil Power...
  14. our take so far...4 are mine...soon to be mailed out...
  15. Surly & BCBS Rare, please...
  16. yes...
  17. Mike...I've got a Jackie O's Orange Oak shirt on... we're here... already a few fine brews in...
  18. I have arranged to trade away one of my Anheuser-Goose Bourbon County Brand Stout Rares.... gotta shower & (gently) throw everything into the car...more later:)...
  19. I've been put in charge of fruits, nuts & borrowed chairs...plan is to leave Indy at 6a.m. & get there at 8a.m....there's a one hour time difference so we should be alright... made a list of things to remember to bring...hoping to get most of it done here shortly...packing the beer shouldn't be too difficult...I've just got to be extra careful not to forget the beers I've arranged to trade in person:)... I'll try to post a few things during the event, but I'll likely save most of my comments for after so I don't miss anything... I've got a terrible, beer-spitting cough going...hope it's less of a problem tomorrow...need some rest...
  20. Thomas Creek Orange Blossom Pilsner Squared... noticed the honey right away...seemed like a thick body...darkest PilsnerI can recall...ok to drink, but have trouble thinking of it as a Pilsner...it's also got an 11% ABV which is a might high for the style...to be fair, I haven't compared this to their normal OBP....too bad the honey didn't help with the tickle in my throat causing me to cough up a storm nearing DLD....ugh... also, courtesy of Peter, I'm having a really nice Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA....I picked up on the Simcoe hops right away...FW's done a much better job with Simcoe than a lot of other breweries...often times Simcoe'll come across as a meaty flavor that hides everything else...not here...I like this...& I may even like this more than the Double Jack!...
  21. maybe get some Sazerac glasses from The Roosevelt?...
  22. http://hoosierbeergeek.blogspot.com/2011/04/hoosier-beer-geeks-guide-to-dark-lord.html ^^another great guide from the folks over at Hoosier Beer Geek... glad to see this'll be available for purchase...was starting to look like I was going to be walking away from the event with only four bottles of beer... no one I've arranged trades with should be worried just yet...I have a feeling I'll be able to find more...
  23. only some haha...
  24. http://thefullpint.com/beer-news/dark-lord-day-2011-bottle-release-info doesn't seem like there's any conceivable way to get all 4...lucky to get one...sad panda...
  25. dual hdmi out's a cool feature...can use an old, quality receiver & still do 3d...not that i condone this:)...
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