Dieu Du Ciel Péché Mortel...always delivers...I might start stocking up on this & drink it every so often like KBS....we'll see...
makes for great filler when ordering online & trying to hit 6/12 bottles...
HaandBryggeriet Nissefar Norwegian Holiday Ale...
this is quite good, but, for whatever reason, it smells like olives & that's putting me off...
was suggested by Hoptopia, but I'm sure Lee had it on tap & didn't encounter the same nose...
HaandBryggeriet Coffee Porter while I wait for the latter half of the 4 Calling Birds to warm up...can barely taste the cinnamon in that...anyways...coffee porter good:)...no complaints...
her holding beer?...you lack imagination:)...
Bruery 4 Calling Birds by suggestion here...have a lotta Bruery love...but not feelin' this one...this beer is rich...
pics or it didn't happen, Raffy:)...
Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black...this is nice & smooth...might sit heavy, but I only intend on drinkin' one...
glad to have the Shelton Brothers line back in Indiana...most of it at least...trying to get Jolly Pumpkin sorted...
it's really cheap on Lueken's right now so I'll be alright, but thanks:)...see any Churchill/Roosevelt down there?...
lemme know if there's anything up here you're after...when are you & Raffy gettin' together?...
I'm drinkin' a Yeastie Boys Digital IPA from New Zealand...kinda dry...not very lively, but it's goin' down just fine...
Yes...they have that on tap at the Brugge where I was at earlier...I think it's good stuff, but I'm not a big fan of Left Hand...
I had a Harvey & two Very Bad Kitties...then a nap:)...