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emelius last won the day on October 28 2015

emelius had the most liked content!

About emelius

  • Birthday 11/23/1979

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    Not Telling

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  • Headphones
    Vintage RS-1, HF2
  • Headphone Amps
    Melos SHA-GOLD, Black Gilmore Lite w/DPS, Portal Panache
  • Sources
    Meridian 508.24

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Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. R.I.P. Gene Hackman & wife...& dog...
  2. I think season 2 is better than 1...It could be the addition of a new writer...MY SISTER!...
  3. R.I.P. Karen... Raising a glass... Condolences...
  4. Happy belated... I hope all is well & that you're enjoying the holidays...
  5. not a huge fan, but R.I.P. Pete Rose...
  6. Those two magic words said with exuberance: ROOT CANAL!...
  7. Any thoughts on HiFiMAN Mini Shangri-La at $1100?...Likely hot garbage?...Doesn't look like $1100 worth of headphone... I only ask as it's said they're similar to the Arya...I'm a big fan of the Arya Organic...I even prefer it to the Empy 2 even though the Empy 2 is technically superior... Interested in the Perun stuff, too, but it doesn't seem like the right time to invest in Russian wares...
  8. William Friedkin (The Exorcist, The French Connection director) dead at 87...
  9. & his last words be chiseled into his tombstone: I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I? cancer be fucked...
  10. Happy Birthday:)...
  11. https://www.reuters.com/sports/motor-sports/wrexhams-hollywood-owners-join-group-buying-into-alpine-f1-2023-06-26/ not sure why they think that's a good investment...
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/more-sports/f1-rumour-sebastian-vettel-offered-huge-role-for-formula-one-return/ar-AA1bZj0z Vettel to SailGP Germany...
  13. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maurybrown/2023/05/24/why-honda-decided-to-partner-with-aston-martin-starting-with-the-2026-f1-season/?sh=43f1ef0e35ef wtf are things going to look like in a couple/few years?...
  14. Do it up right, my man!... Cheers...
  15. R.I.P. Jim Brown at 87...
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