Well, my Airbow SR-SC-1's just came in a couple of hours ago and it looks like I'm not going to bed anytime soon. Been listenin' to Alan Parsons Project and Air's Moon Safari and like wow!
These are so smooth, transparent and effortless, you can listen to them for hours. Currently running them through a SRM-1/MK-2 C Version since my SRM-T1 hasnt come in yet. Gonna try them tomorrow from
an SRD-7 Mk 2 and my Technics SU-V5. They don't have the 404 etch and treble is somewhat more tamed. Bass is deep and tight with punch. I don't know how these compare to the 404LE's having
never heard them, but they certainly blow away my 404 signatures. Too bad these aren't marketed outside of Japan...these are keepers!