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Everything posted by ironbut

  1. I can't discuss the treatment of Dan while impressions were made since I wasn't present when it occured. I think the point here is to answer his question as to where he should go to get the problem assessed. I still think that contacting the audiologist is your best choice. Unless you know a local specialist to get an exam done, finding out what the audiologist suggests will be the most expedient since she has a stake in this. Like I said before, I can't imagine that this is the first time this sort of problem has occured so she probably has someone that can examine you quickly and will know the kind of problems that can occur as a result of the impressions process. Also, going through her will increase the likelyhood that there won't be any cost to you. So, give her a chance to make things right. If you aren't happy with what she says, let her know and contact your HMO.
  2. While there are certainly bad practitioners in every aspect of the health care system, my personal experience (as a registered nurse) is that the vast majority are remarkably caring folks who take their resposibilties very seriously. Many have gotten a bad rap these days because of the pressures imposed on them by the institutions they work for. Be that as it may, I think everyone would agree that asking the audiologist for the course of treatment is far better than asking a bunch of headphone geeks.
  3. Bummer Dan, I'd suggest getting hold of the audiologist asap. If you don't have a direct contact # shoot CeeTee a PM and get it from him. I can't imagine that what you're experiencing is the first time this sort of thing has happened and they may have an office where you can go for a thorough exam or will direct you to somewhere that you can get one done. You do want to get treatment as soon as you can to avoid infection.
  4. Hey Dan, I'll be bringing my MacBook with charger. I don't really plan on using it much so as long as they both use the same mag-lock type power connector, you're welcome to use it. I should be there around 8am.
  5. I saw a thing on the news the other day that some kinda stomach flu hit one high school hard. They ended up closing for a couple of days to disinfect all the surfaces (by hand!). The news crew had an interview with one student that said that the halls and classrooms all reeked. She said that there were times when more than one person could be seen puking in the halls. Kids nowdays! Don't they know that if they were on a cruse ship, they woulda had to pay good money for the same kinda experience.
  6. Great album Reks! Their appearance on Austin City Limits was excellent if you haven't seen it,
  7. Cool pictures! I guess it wouldn't be for some poor roadies that have to haul big PA systems and roll out those big ass snakes. Looking forward to seeing you bums in a couple of days!
  8. Happy B day Jeff! Hope to see you again soon.
  9. Looks like an awesome time guys! That cat behind Mike kinda reminds me of,.. ME! Now I'm totally hungry though. Feeding time at my hut.
  10. I don't think you'll have any problem with the power transformer mounted on top of the case and the amp boards inside and that far away. You can always breadboard it before you drill the chassis to find the optimum orientation for the transformer and boards. You should consider the depth of the case. With stand-offs for the circuit boards and looking at the size of the footprint for the capacitors/heat sinks on the power supply board, make sure you have enough depth in your chassis.
  11. done
  12. Very cool guys! It looks like Steve (ASR) will be joining us too.
  13. Just noticed this post from Cee Tee. Last years meet was an excellent time and I expect this one to be also. There certainly isn't a lack of participation (so far there's 80+ members planning to attend and about 24 will be bringing their gear). I'll have a new 'stat amp hopefully (fingers crossed, still doing some troubleshooting) and Frank Cooter will also have something new. I'm sure that Lloyd (bigguy) and family will have plenty of tasty treats to keep our blood sugar shakin'. Craig Uthus will be one of the vendors as well as Doc Bottlehead who has a new 300b preamp that he's loving. I really hope that some of my HC pals from the Bay Area will make it this year. I missed seeing you guys last time!
  14. Happy B day Mike,.. from me and our pal (pictured)
  15. Looks killer Mike! BTW, how did you grill you lobster? I've got a few I want to try grilling and I was planning on splitting them and painting with olive oil or something.
  16. Seeing that Cinemag is discontiuing the "Blue" series, it's probably wise to give it a try while you can. Anyway, if you don't like the way it sounds with your Zyx, you shouldn't have a tough time selling it.
  17. Either way, it seems like a great deal to me! Now all I have to do is remember to demo one when they become available!
  18. Looks like a really nice unit! The quad core version is about $2500 at Sweetwater. http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ApolloQuad/ It uses the same Sharc processors that the MH units use (as far as I know at least). The big question with any of these kinds of units is the analog circuits. How they'll sound and if the "voicing" will be appropriate for listening for pleasure (as opposed to working on audio projects) will be the important thing for us. Seems like a great product (UAD has a long history of producing great sounding stuff) and it's priced right! Maybe it will replace my aging ULN-2 (I should be able to get a demo unit to try).
  19. Sorry I missed this Grahame! Have a brilliant birthday and an ice cream or two!
  20. I got my connectors a few days back and I can agree with the others,.. They're k-k-killer! Thanks a million to all those involved and especially to Rodrigo who made sure that everything was exactly right with these beauties! I own you one PIC! BTW I was able to use a 17mm Dewalt bimetal hole saw and due to it's 'inexact" cutting characteristics, the 18mm connector fit perfectly! (after deburring and tiddying up the hole)
  21. Great idea for a thread! I haven't been to CES in years (just too much of a zoo for me) but I always thought that it would be a fantastic subject for a Christopher Guest movie!
  22. I'm with you Reks. I've had a love affair with my HD800's that's still going strong after a year. That's out of either my Zana, Crack, or the headphone out's of my ULN-2.
  23. Maybe it's just the picture resolution, but it looks like after it knocked the roof off, that nasty Bawbag took a big ass dump in the front left corner!
  24. Thanks Rodrigo! Just wanted to be sure before I start to tear into the chassis.
  25. Hey PIC, Could you post the dimensions of the finished connector (including the mount and screw holes)? I'm at the point of hogging out some holes in a chassis. Thanks
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