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Everything posted by ironbut

  1. I've had good results using the old subwoofer/listening spot trick. Put your sub at your normal listening spot, put on some music with lots of info below 100hz and move around the room listening for the most balanced bass. Where it sounds best is a good place to place the sub.
  2. Happy Birthday Kerry!
  3. One thing that I mentioned back when I bought my iMac (July 2019) is it doesn't have the T2 security chip. I was considering an iMac Pro but the cost and the fact that it has the T2 chip made up my mind against it. The chip is supposed to have some minor performance advantages IIRC, but the big drawback for me is it requires factory upgrades of the processor and the boot drive. Of course, upgrading those aren't as easy in the iMac's. OWC considers them to be moderate to difficult for users to upgrade, but upgrades and repairs are important to me. Just sayin' (the redesigned iMac will almost certainly include the T2)
  4. Haven't heard a pair of Magico's in ages! Must be awesome!
  5. Rick's my favorite "Sad Old Dude" on YT! His book is excellent too.
  6. This one's for (recent) residents of the Pacific NW. I'm assuming that some of this info would be included in a decent education on local geo-history (right?). For me, I just dig volcanos!
  7. Very cool! I'm a real sucker for that kind of stuff. BTW, is that a blown cap on the board of the background image?
  8. Those guys at Gondwana Records are signing some wonderful artists. Very visual!
  9. I accept no responsibility for any mental anguish caused by watching season 3 of WW. I agree with the others who panned it in the WestWorld thread. Nevertheless, I can't thank the folks at HBO enough for allowing the use of their property for the good of the composing community.
  10. Thanks! I like it too but I find it easy to fall in love with stuff I put a lot of work on. I heard that there are over 1000 entries! The final judging is done by J.J Abrams, Jonathan Nolan, Lisa Joy (series creator), and Ramin Djawadi.
  11. I entered a scoring competition put on by Spitfire Audio and HBO. They made a clip (without any music) from this seasons Westworld available, I imported it into Logic and it was off to the races. It took a couple of weeks to create my entry and win or loose, I learned a lot and enjoyed the experience.
  12. RIP Christo! I always looked on him as a force of nature.
  13. Loved it!
  14. I got the Pro Vega 48 only because it was reported that it ran cooler. Maybe that's been disproven but that's the only reason I paid for it. There have been none of the thermal throttling issues reported on earlier products. This machine runs much cooler and quieter than my Mac Pro's. The fan noise was one of my main issues with my cheese grater. The only times I've heard the fan on this one has been when an app crashed and froze and when installing some apps. I'm using OWC's memory cards and they seem fine. The price on them has is almost half of what it was a year ago when I bought my 64G.
  15. Watching a couple of guys in dope spacesuits sitting on top of a tank of liquid o2 and hydrogen (I guess that's what they still use?). I have a feeling they're in for a big surprise! https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive Different stream
  16. I'm still stoked about my 2019 iMac (8core) and while I wouldn't care to guess what the timeline and differences will be with the next gen, I have heard that there might be some cosmetic changes like a smaller bezel around the screen. For me, that kind of stuff becomes invisible quickly and I don't have folks coming over and passing judgement on my set up. Performance wise, my machine isn't invincible (I can bring it to it's knees with loads meant to put an unrealistic strain on it), but for what I demand, it's up to the task. I owned a couple of Mac Pro's before the iMac and at that time, it was worth being able to easily upgrade components to keep up with rapidly improving tech. But I don't see (or have) a need for that these days. So, maybe Apple will make a huge leap forward in the next year or two. If so maybe I'll upgrade to it in 6-8 years just for fun.
  17. Hopefully that converter is durable and fairly cheap. I know a couple of guys that had their portable keyboard/controller and it was kind of delicate. One guy went through 2 in an equal number of months (IIRC) and gave up on them.
  18. RIP Annie and Jimmy!
  19. Petra Haden is one of the Haden triplets, daughters of bassist Charlie Haden. Super talented family!
  20. I'm not sure if any fellow audio "old timers" remember Sound Practices magazine that Joe Roberts used to publish, but after it died he made a cd of them available. Someone on the Ampex listserve asked for a copy and I uploaded it to my Google Drive. So, if anyone one here wants a copy,.. https://drive.google.com/open?id=15o63ZZ10y7gpp0Pu4K2NrbbB0uis3o88
  21. I picked the wrong day to sleep in! Moby Dick is a real cornerstone to me and I would have loved to see the production. I'm sure there will be some way to see it later (maybe I'll donate a few bucks). If you hear anything about future streaming I'd love to hear about it Ric! BTW, I think this ad ran before you moved to the Bay Area but I totally took it to heart (obviously!).
  22. Happy Birthday Brent!
  23. Happy Birthday Raffy!
  24. Happy Birthday!
  25. Even though I'm solidly ITB, the O-CTL from Make Noise has tempted me big time (probably with the O-Coast).
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