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Everything posted by Wmcmanus

  1. Sorry to hear your news, Ken. You're a good man, and life will march on. Best of luck on your interview.
  2. Yes, quite fugly IMO. Who was that fuck at HF that went on and on incessantly about how badly it bothered him that the HD800 cost so much and yet the design included some plastic elements? The twerp just wouldn't shut up about it for months. David somebody. Anyway, imagine his reaction to these things.
  3. Happy birthday, Luis!
  4. Pro bowler fail. Mark is zero, Dude.
  5. Just saw the boobies at first; nothing else. Then tried reading the brand of her undies.
  6. Too funny. The camo was so well hidden, I didn't even see it!
  7. Should have some time now, in my post-Santa blues month of January to catch up a bit. I'm now in the middle of Deadwood, and have become a big fan of Al Swearengen. Can't wait to see what the dirty bastard will do next. Have The Wire and Six Feet Under waiting on deck. Have had them all for some time, and glad to finally be getting to them!
  8. Yes! A big goopy mess, and what looks like it might be some bacon in there somewhere.
  9. Really quite the catching eye patch. Dare I say you look quite happy in the pic? I'll take 3 in Midnight, 2 in Forest, and 1 each in Khaki, Olive and Saffron, assuming that they'll do color on color embroidery for us. Otherwise, I'll have to completely rethink my order, cancel half of it, then add more, then drop out of the group buy altogether, then see if I can get back in at the last minute. But if I can't then I'll just take a black one with red embroidery, assuming that we get 25 people to agree to that.
  10. Happy birthday, Knucks. A Cow, an Ant and an Old Fart are debating on who is the greatest of the three of them. The Cow: I give 50 liters of milk every day and that's why I am the greatest!! The Ant: I work day and night, summer and winter, I can carry 52 times my own weight and that's why I am the greatest!! Why are you scrolling down? It's your turn to say something...
  11. ^ Dude has issues.
  12. Happy birthday... don't be depressed, and don't hate on Christmas... just be happy! It's all good.
  13. ^ I really need to do something about my hair, Jacob.
  14. Thanks! She's 6 now and such a trip. I'm not supposed to have favorites (12 nieces and nephews) but she's got the best personality of any kid I've ever known. He baby brother began to "officially" crawl on Christmas day, and she apparently told my mom, "It's a Christmas miracle, grandma!"
  15. Oh, don't worry. Santa is coming back! Just had to scrap my beard because of all of the bleaching damage... pushed way too hard in October, causing a lot of breakage, so this year I'll start bleaching much earlier and will reduce both the frequency and intensity of bleaching sessions.
  16. I shaved my beard and mustache off the other day, and got my first haircut in over a year as well. It's now just finger high and a blend of dark roots coming in and the bleached remains at the tips. Here are a sample of the comments I've received during the past couple of days: "Wow! You look gay..." "You would fit right in at South Beach!" "I never knew." "Faggot!" The first three came from family members and friends who were just giving me a hard time. But the "faggot" comment came from some stranger at O'Hare who stopped me in the middle of this huge tunnel between the parking lot and terminals. He was kind of a green tooth looking type and started in on how his car got towed above, and I really didn't have the time nor patience for him, so I kind of shushed him and waved him off, while turning and walking away at the same time. He then got all pissed, and said, "Wow! You're really doing that. Walking away while I'm in mid-sentence." So I just kept walking and then I heard him saying, "Asshole!" Then a few steps later, "Faggot!" Too funny. As I know I'll get a lot of "Worthless without pics!" comments if I don't include a pic, here I am with one of my nieces. The Santa glasses now look like bottom glasses. Need to ditch those as well.
  17. Nice, Justin.
  18. Have a great one, Andy!
  19. Congrats, Ric and Melissa! Such a beautiful baby girl. Vicki, be happy. Get some rest. The house will clean itself in no time.
  20. Mike, I feel bad now about making "eye pad" jokes with the kids during Santa season. You would just never believe how many 7-10 year old kids were asking for iPads! I was really quite surprised this year. Then someone sent me a joke email that showed this old Larry David sort of looking guy wearing an eye pad, and it gave me an idea. So I went to the ER at the hospital in Cayman and asked 3 or 4 nurses for eye pads (explaining the joke) until one of them finally came back with a couple of them for me. After that, every time a kid asked for an iPad, I would offer him or her one of them. Then they would say, "No, I want and iPad2!!!!" at which time I would pull out the other eye pad and pretend to put one over each of my eyes, and ask, "If you used 2 eye pads, how would you see anything?" The parents seemed to think it was a lott funnier than the kids did...
  21. Tyll, if you're going to have a date with Steve, you should watch this video to get prepared. Remember, he's the pitcher. You're the catcher.
  22. ^ This! Sorry I missed your birthday thread, but I was kind of busy yesterday!!! Happy birthday, Ken.
  23. Vicki, I'm so saddened by the news of your father's passing. As so many of us have experienced in recent times (and some very recently), it's just an incredibly difficult time for everyone involved. You have your own emotions to deal with, those of your family members and close friends, and now with your mom being sick, and still having to face the day to day realities of work life, etc. Just keep hanging in there and staying strong, as this too shall pass.
  24. As requested (may have posted some of these already, if so, sorry about that):
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