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Everything posted by Wmcmanus

  1. I have major Gandalf beard envy.
  2. He was also Gale Sayers in Brian's Song. Just watched it again the other night for the first time since I was about 12 years old. Cried my eyes out again. Edit: Meant to quote Grawk re: Billy Dee Williams
  3. The Killers - Don't Shoot Me Santa ...and the obligatory dancing Santa gif http://brokentripod.tumblr.com/post/12443559410/for-all-your-crazy-eyed-dancing-santa-gif-needs
  4. I wish! My knees are way too gone for that, and I don't think I could have done those moves as a teenager. My beard is gone as well, although it's slowly growing back. Will take years to get to that length.
  5. Happy birthday, Nate!
  6. Wmcmanus

    Top Gear

    You mean the US version of Top Gear? They don't have British humor on their side either. Clarkson and company know how to act and deliver lines.
  7. Boy, some of the shit these guy come up with at my Santa forum! Today this guy starts a thread to ask: "How does one properly measure the length of their beard ie. from what point on the chin or lip is your starting point?" I wanted to answer: It's kind of like measuring your cock. If you have to ask where the starting point is, it's probably too short!
  8. I chuckled... http://www.youtube.com/embed/OWo8fLl0r08?rel=0
  9. How baseballs are made:
  10. Wmcmanus

    Top Gear

    Ok, 475hp was probably the V8 Atom. They wanted to call it the "Atom 500" but it didn't end up putting that much power down at the wheel, so the official name became the V8 Atom. I agree, that was kind of cool when they would tease you was to where to place the new time on the board.
  11. Have a good one, Craig!
  12. Saved any whales lately? http://www.flixxy.com/humpback-whale-gives-show-after-being-saved.htm
  13. Canon Speedlight 600EX-RT is also out now, for $629. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/indepth/canon/announcements/new-canon-600ex-rt-speedlite-flash-powerhouse
  14. How much of what you're seeing in a movie is real? Computer graphics has become a big business! http://player.vimeo.com/video/34678075?title=0&
  15. Boo! I'm laughing. I shouldn't be, but I am.
  16. Wmcmanus

    Top Gear

    I just saw this posted on Facebook by one of the Atom guys. Apparently, the Atom was on the show last night, and there's a new leader in town! I don't follow Top Gear, but I presume this would be the American version of the show? I've Googled it and can't find anything. Just curious as to which iteration of the Atom this was? Did anyone see the show? Was is a standard Atom 3 or a 500 V8?
  17. Sad news today... http://todayentertainment.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/02/29/10540912-monkees-star-davy-jones-dies-at-66 Thanks for the memories, Davy! I absolutely loved the Monkees TV show. It was part of what made the late 60s such a special time for little kids.
  18. The other one I can't seem to post says, "Never make eye contact while eating a banana."
  19. Yes, like Macallan 18 single malt intoxicating.
  20. ^ One of my friends who I met along the road when I was passing through New Hampshire in my motorhome is trying to build something like this (based on the last picture above). He had linked me to this exact same builder's website several months ago, and asked: "Out of everything you see, what do you think is the coolest?" When I wrote back, picking out that same vehicle (based on an old pickup truck), he said "Exactly!!!" That's essentially what he wants to build. So his next step was to buy this massive old fire truck for something like $1,500. I've just emailed him to see if he can resend those pics. It's an old truck but the engine has very low miles, so that's what he's going to use along with the frame from some old (50s) pickup truck. I'll post pics when he resends them to me. He's done some amazing metal fabrication projects (motorcycles and such), so he's got the skill sets to pull it off. He's become a good email buddy of mine. We met when I had a need for some welding on the back of my trailer as I was passing through the White Mountains region. He and his wife took me in like a family member, and I ended up spending 3 nights parked on their property. He owns a place called "Bumper to Bumper" which I think is aptly described. He can do pretty much anything, mechanically speaking, plus towing (and now putting out fires).
  21. Chris Rock's take on animation, in case anyone missed it: http://oscar.go.com/blogs/real-time/20
  22. Saw blade that can stop in 1/1000th of a second to avoid cutting your finger off... http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=E3mzhvMgrLE&NR=1
  23. Happy birthday!!!
  24. I hesitated to post because there were so many, but very few are groaners.
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