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Everything posted by Wmcmanus

  1. Levon is gone now... RIP good man.
  2. INTP on the second test as well. I'm borderline on the I versus E distinction, which doesn't surprise me. As I've often said, "If you drag me out, I'll have a great time." Introverted (I) 51.35% Extroverted (E) 48.65% Intuitive (N) 66.67% Sensing (S) 33.33% Thinking (T) 61.76% Feeling (F) 38.24% Perceiving (P) 70.59% Judging (J) 29.41%
  3. I thought of you when I read that description, actually.
  4. Ahhh!!! You got me there, Dan. That's true. I don't really dislike people, but sometimes I get annoyed by them. I'm "happy" so long as I'm well rested and fed, which is at least 90% of the time. Actually, I was just making a simple joke that the only difference between ENTP and INTP is that the "E" guy is presumably extroverted, so I could then explain my "I" by claiming that I don't like people...
  5. Nice descriptions! INTP is also spot on for me.
  6. ^ Amen to that, Mike.
  7. Meh... I could be a ENTP as well, if only I liked people.
  8. INTP but from looking at the descriptions, I suspect I'm more INTJ, or a combination of the two. I'm no Einstein, that's for sure (and have been told as much many times).
  9. Will it sound better with a dedicated 20A outlet? I don't get it. These things tend to be rather lean on power consumption.
  10. Thought some of you might appreciate this, from Facebook. http://img.techpowerup.org/120414/417182_10150638300924095_112667054094_8992992_2043660919_n.jpeg Interesting and a bit ironic that they chose Jesus as the pigeon's opponent...
  11. ^ In that case, I've got quite an art collection myself.
  12. It's hard enough to make science into art without a damn pragmatist in the building!
  13. Yarn beards. Why not? http://www.buzzfeed.com/tiad/yarn-beards-t6m
  14. Wmcmanus


    The PopMarket people are evil. Sitting on a park bench, watching little wallets with bad intent... http://www.popmarket.com/details/26770473
  15. Me too, and I'm not even in the market for a vacuum cleaner... yet I'm thinking, "Hmmm... $500 to $1,000 seems reasonable... I mean, if it solves my vacuum cleaning problems for many years to come, and allows me to provide meaningful input to others who find themselves in need of vacuum cleaning advice in the future..."
  16. I chuckled because of the manner of expression. Rephrase the punchline in any number of ways, and I just groan, but the "I sure would like another..." line was quite well constructed because it parallels what people say about babies. Therefore, funny.
  17. It's just an email joke that I thought would be fun to share here; nothing to get your panties all caught up in a bunch about. Won't ever happen if you're limp, so don't worry about it.
  18. Women always say that giving birth is way more painful for them, than a guy getting kicked in the nuts. Here is proof that they are wrong. A year or two after giving birth, some women will say "it would be nice to have another baby". No matter how long after, you'll never hear a guy say "I sure would like another kick in the nuts". Case closed.
  19. The world wasn't gay enough back then.
  20. Thanks for the briefing on the history of Posterboy, Matt. He is Legend.
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