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Everything posted by eugenius

  1. shellylh, why didn't you get a touch + digitizer tablet? Direct touch adds another dimension to it as a casual ebook reader / webpad. The lenovo x200t ... mmm . As far as I am concerned the LE1700 has only one great thing: the non-wide high-res ultraview anywhere screen. As for Apple, Snow Leopard will be even smaller footprint than Leopard. Now that would be the ideal netbook/tablet OS among the desktop ones! Something like a NVidia Tegra based tablet with a 1366x768 7"-9" OLED widesscreen, full day battery life whatever you do with it, maximum 600g, maybe 800g with the extended battery grip. I would like a non-wide non-glossy outdoor screen, but hey, lately it seems that every manufacturer thinks that it MUST be wide and glossy or it would cause sclerosis to your mivonks! But more important than hardware would be the software. I don't want to see any fucking desktop OS on it. I want it to have a light multitasking enabled version of the iphone osx. Also, the rule of law is: No digitizer = Useless toy! IF it comes it would cost at least as much as the macbook. And it would be worth it!
  2. Maybe they stole from this: Finalizer 96K
  3. As I understand John Grado voices his headphones listening to vinyl, that's the reason. I think the special editions are voiced a bit more for digital. Loving my hf2's, now I really don't know what amp to get for them. The source I have now is a TC Electronic Konnekt Live (detail oriented source). It's integrated headphone amp has no chance to drive Grados well. It's too high impedance, too powerfull, no bass control, kinda bright (yes, with hf2's). I've put maybe 20 hours of burn-in in them, no change so far. My amp short-list: CEC HD53N (and balancing the hf2's), Gilmore Dynamic V2 (if I can find one), Berning MicroZotl (if I can find one).
  4. A5 - bass reflex - cheap speakers with good marketing M00 - closed enclosure - less bass extension, better sound quality I prefer closed speakers, so I vote to get rid of the A5.
  5. "Up to" being the key words ...
  6. Of course you can go straight from the computer to it using ethernet. You just have to install DLNA server software. Then you use it's interface to browse the database. Works for video too, and there are NAS products that support DLNA. Examples of computer DLNA software servers: How to choose a DLNA Media Server for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux | Robert Green's DIY
  7. All I said covers actually USING it, which I consider to be a bad experience. From my point of view it was better to work on it and make it usable, not plastic and 999$. PS: You DO know what an 8 hour stated battery life means, don't you?
  8. I really don't see any point to this thread anymore ... Thanks to all the people who had something informative to say! Please close this thread.
  9. Let me get this straight: - no memory inside - ugly plastic - "asian" phone style UI - crap battery life - crap small screen - no radio??? - no video AND: it has a 700$ start price + memory card(s) + second battery + better amplification module(s)? This is so NOT a high end product, it's a ultra tweaky internet audiophile type product. Good luck owning that market, nobody else wants it. I predict (as with almost everyhing else), version 3 will be usable. O Karma, Where Art Thou?
  10. If that's what it takes to ban a user ... I don't know how you stand such people like "sandwitch around my kidney - crapping monkey" Voltron or "what do you eat - FUCK" JBLoudg20.
  11. At the very least you saw another amplifier ... I have no relation to the manufacturer. I thought it was like 400-500 euro, like the lake people amps, later I found it's so expensive and I was wondering why ... PS: There's a dismissive attitude towards head-fi here ... I don't see why, you lot are just as bad and stuck up to boot. Get off your high horses, your shit smells the same as everybody's. Serious people and excluded.
  12. It's 1400 euro ... that's why I wanted a comparison with the beta22.
  13. Ok, two very good points made so far ...
  14. Here's an interesting new pro headphone amplifier, hand made in Serbia: BoZo Electronics - Sparrow It has very good specs !!! For the amplifier gurus here, a question: how does it compare with the beta22? Pics:
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