That's just not true!
It was a 25-rail of Intersil buffers.
So I use little plastic divided boxes for resistors, box caps, diodes, etc. Larger caps are in those disposable plastic glad boxes, as are plugs, jacks, and bags of transistors.
My trouble started at one point where I was storing parts by project. A project would get sidelined, and the parts would, too. Figured out that was a mistake pretty early on, but now and then I find a small box or bag with $80 worth of doodads in it. It's all been separated and sorted out now. I think.
These are what the resistor boxes look like. I have 14 of them, each has five values in it labelled on the front, and then the boxes are sequentially numbered on the ends:
Old picture, but you get the idea. There is a larger box of caps under the power supply.