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Everything posted by voodoochile

  1. This is a picture of the last meet I hosted.
  2. Bah, that looks more like 4.7M! Much to the owner's chagrin. IF I did own a 6M dollar home (vs camera bag), I would host a 3 week headphone retreat- more like a residential treatment program, rather than a basic meet.
  3. I hope you don't have a dog. "Awwww, the dog ate my tonearm again!"
  4. You could always dampen it with some butter.
  5. If I was blessed with such a nice piece of glass I'd have gone with the 7 too. That 2.8 aperture coupled with in-lens IS will allow you to hand-hold full zoom shots at dusk, really. Outstanding fidelity, too. It's surprising how much you can put in these bags though. I was thinking I might need either the 6 or 7, and the 6 is plenty roomy. Did you go for the Karachi Outpost?
  6. Well, it's not a house, it's a camera bag. But it's a nice camera bag. They have odd names for all their stuff. Crumpler 6MDH It would be pretty cramped for a meet.
  7. Pix tonight it is.
  8. Extend your middle finger towards Comcast, if only for your own comfort. Remember, "It's Comcastic!"
  9. A six million dollar home. BTW, great lens, Mike. f2.8 at 200mm + in-lens IS=
  10. I've been up since 4:30am, and it still hasn't snowed yet, so hurray for that. We got a bit less than a foot from thursday through monday, so it wasn't nearly as 'epic' as forecast. I was expecting to have to tunnel out.
  11. Miguel- Which watch box did you choose? I've been wanting one for a while to hold my Oris when I'm not wearing it. I like #2 a lot as well...
  12. Hope it was a good one, Haj. How do you like the new turntable? Or are you still playing with the wrapping paper mostly...
  13. I'm so old that I forgot my own party. Sad thing is it was a pants party. I've been listening to these a lot more, I really like them...
  14. A Panny LX3k and a bottle of Famous Grouse.
  15. X8, at least. Words cannot express my gratitude.
  16. Looking great, nice job on the base, too. I'm peeved that I'll miss the boat saturday. I'd much rather be there!
  17. Figure I can safely weigh in on these, finally. I've owned three pair of Grado phones, including the HF-1, and auditioned at length many more. I really want to like them, but it just hasn't happened for me. Combination of the perceived SQ (meaning with my ears VS yours), and the typical supra-aural VS circumaural design comfort issues (again, for me at least), I just haven't been able to enjoy them. Despite these past experiences, I felt compelled to give Grado yet another shake, again without any audition, as they were not out yet. After trying a pair at the NY meet this spring, I felt comfortable with my decision initially, as the HF-2 seemed to have a more balanced presentation than the former sets I've used, and they were also notably lighter than 325s. They felt reasonably comfortable, but it was a brief tryout. I got another chance to give them a more thorough audition at a mini-meet hosted by hopstretch over the summer, just before my pair were due to be shipped. It was a lot quieter there than it was in Queens, and of course, more relaxed/casual. Not only was the pair I tried (Ian's?) more comfortable than any previous Grados I've owned or used, the sound was still really nice and well balanced. None of the harsh grattle I had come to associate with the general design. I spent a good amount of time with them on both my Dynalo, Mapletree, and a shorter bit of time on the Menace. I was feeling better still for my decision. The cans arrived very late, a good 5 or 6 weeks beyond the original projection, but I had them at last. Unfortunately I was also in the middle of putting a new roof on my house, coincident with a bonafide heatwave lasting more than 5 days. I finally got that task behind me and had some time to try them out. Washed the pads, as they were pretty crispy-starchy feeling out of the box. They sounded as nice as I recalled. A bit tight on the clamp factor, but I gently flexed the headband a bit, and fiddled endlessly with the driver positioning over the ear. I did end up washing the pads another time a week later, and they feel pretty nice now. Since then I have worn them for about 120 hours, and am much relieved to say that not only do they sound excellent, they are quite comfortable as well. No, they do not feel the same as the circumaural Senns, but I can easily listen for a few hours, which is something I could never do with Grados in the past. I used Senn pads on my 225s, which were more comfy, but I never cared for the sound, for instance. Highly modded RS1s were pretty nice sounding, but still uncomfortable, and a slight bit harsh sounding TO ME. I know they are wonderful cans, but maybe my ears are very sensitive. After all, I hear no veil with Senns, for instance. Of the 120 or so hours spent listening, probably 20-25 has been through the computer, the rest through the Mapletree. Nate has my Dynalo for now, which has been sitting idle for years, as it just isn't a happening amp when paired with Senns. Fortunately the Mapletree amp does a great job with Senns, and arguably even better with Grados, or so I've been told. I've been told on several occasions that the amp is very, very good with Grados, and I always felt bad because I just couldn't cope with them. Although the Senns are excellent with this amp, the HF-2 are more forward, but not smashing you in the face with a tennis raquet forward. They are NOT laid back for sure, but they offer a much more plausible presentation than other models have offered. The Senns are nicer for some content, particularly acoustic or vocal-heavy pieces, where there is a more airy or analog quality to the production, whereas the Grados are just a bit tighter and more impactful on electronic, or more heavily-produced work. They still sound great on other pieces as well, but they really shine with faster, edgier stuff. And the bass is really cool. The Mapletree is remarkably fast and tight with bass handling, not bloated at all. People seem to associate tube amps with tubby bass response, but it isn't always the case. I'm not into constantly swapping out gear, or falling for the FOTM, but I do enjoy auditioning anything new. To adopt something into my rig is another story though, I have to really like it a lot, otherwise it's just a fun visit. I'm really digging the HF-2, and hope to enjoy them for a long time to come. Highly recommended, even for Grado skeptics.
  18. Replacement headband pad and earpads for my senns. The headband pad was shot, but the earpads didn't seem too bad- until I got the new pair and compared them. They feel like new now, only nice and broken in at the same time.
  19. Polk used to use those on their SDA speakers, for the cable that places one driver from each array into the opposing cabinet. Also have seen them on really old car radio speaker cables. Pretty unusual for sure.
  20. That's awesome, and a tip of the hat to your wife. The shelf contents are nearly identical to those in my basement, to the point of being interchangeable. Too funny, and nice to see I have some company in that regard.
  21. While the two tubes are relativelty compatible, I think you will find the 5687 to sound better anyway. At least that was my experience. The JJ ECC99 is a nice tube- relative to other current production tubes, that is. I have a couple of them, and also some Svetlana versions of the same. The JJ is better than the older Svetlana tubes, but the 5687 is notably sweeter. Looks like your former bridge was working pretty hard.
  22. That looks pretty workable, each tray holds a reasonable group of tubes. Does it stay clipped together pretty securely? Looks like your workbench has a sink, faucets, and marble backsplash. I'm guessing either you are a bachelor, or married to the most understanding woman in history.
  23. Has anyone here built one? I have an RCA caddy, it's about the size of a maxed-out carry-on bag. Similar to this one: The thing is huge, and while it's interesting in an ephemeral way, it weighs about 40 pounds (full), and is of course pretty musty. Big arse mofo. Right now I keep my active, or popular- tubes in three file cabinet drawers. The caddy is filled with odd and end tubes that I may or may not ever have use for, but don't wish to toss. Then I have another cardboard carton with other, stranger tubes, such as duodecar and some extra compactrons. Deal is that it would make more sense to keep the non-active stuff in the file cabinet, and the stuff I use often in a portable case, but the case is too friggin mammoth. So I'm considering making a very similarly constructed caddy, but in about half size. Either same width, about half length, and slightly smaller height, or maybe do away with the bottom compartment and make the two clamshell halves only, similar height and width as the top of the existing case, somewhat shorter in length. I'd then keep the popular tubes in the small caddy, oddball tubes in the mega caddy, and keep tools in the drawers instead of tubes. The cabinet is located within the base of my workbench. I'd probably make it from 3/8" hardwood, or 5/8" pine, fingerjointed and finished bright; or from 1/2" baltic birch, covered with tolex- maybe tweed it like a fender princeton? Anyone here made any form of a more portable tube caddy? Please post up pics. Or, if you own a commercial caddy of smaller proportions, post a pic of that. Something similar in size to the old grammar school phonographs (califone?) would be cool.
  24. Sounds nice, very ambitious- be sure to put up some pics when you finish.
  25. No, it's tube checker.
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