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High Rollers
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Everything posted by tiberian

  1. i heard that the op amps are not in the signal path, well, i am not an EE, i don't know.
  2. same here...the fotm effect has worn off really fast.
  3. you know, he's a headfi celebrity. he wants others to give him positive reviews so he can feel good.
  4. which cable cooker?
  5. rnb is just fucking pathetic. he's driven by plain greed, yet he's pulling out all the christian/poor college kid bullshit and goes all nuts when he feels like someone's gonna damage his business.
  6. i like tits. tits FTW.
  7. fucking fuckers fucked.
  8. the single ended cardas sennheiser cable has a rhodium plating, interestingly, the one i tried in chicago sounded very close to my furutech cardas (with rhodium plating), in comparsion the neutrik cardas sounded a bit bloated and less clean.
  9. IMHO adapters do change the sound so i am trying to avoid them in my rig. not that i have money for a balanced gs-x right now...
  10. yea thats a fucking bullshit standard. no offense to tyll but maybe headroom just doesn't want people to realize that when properly configured some DACs and preamps can directly drive headphones without the need of a $$$$ balanced headroom amp.
  11. why would you wanna go to the national meet anyways? not that headfiers are gonna drop $$$$ on siltech cables.
  12. oh i just realized magnum is a member here...
  13. they cost the same.
  14. the standard zu mobius is a bit different from the balanced zu mobius construction wise (i had the standard one before), plus zu glues all plugs so i understand why they charge $50 + shipping for retermination.
  15. whoa, that was a modded gcha?
  16. yea pretty much lol with switchcraft xlr plugs
  17. seriously, that was fun. but older folks really listened at insane volume. like for the same song they will turn my lavry up from 20 to 30.
  18. the winners: meridian G08 headamp gs-x ps audio GCHA ps audio power plant shure e500 headphile HF-1 sony r-10 cardas sennheiser cable the losers imho: monster power conditioning strip (sounds dry and lifeless compared to the power plant) stealth (muddy, no air) hornet (no air) beyerdynamics dt880 (emotionless, dry) equinox sennheiser cable (too fat sounding on senn 650s) qualia 010 (urgh, just urgh) http://www.tc.umn.edu/~laux0078/chicago%20meet/
  20. so that i can meet him up tomorrow morning thanks.
  21. congrats. there is no going back.
  22. zu will reterminate the mobius for $40 + $10 return shipping.
  23. a900 is urgh, bleh.
  24. people have been modding their power plants for awhile. apparently its pretty easy to replace the stock receptacles and hook up wires with something better, like oyaide bronze/gold/palladium outlets and cryo treated teflon coated copper wire. those things should drop the background noise a bit...
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