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Everything posted by tiberian

  1. zu mobius.
  2. nice cat, nice cat.
  3. tiberian

    Paypal Fees

    the 3% fee is just plain annoying, but paypal is faster and more reliable than money order.
  4. yea the etys just sound plain unnatural. i found my UM2s and they will continue to serve me when i am flying with northwest, but my k81djs look better and sound more open.
  5. john 5, jesper stromblad.
  6. the amp war that happened like a year and a half ago was a heavy blow, but the nail in the coffin was the full blown commercialization. instead of maximizing our bang-for-the-buck, headfi is encouraging members of the trade to rip nubs off.
  7. does the sds-xlr suck like 300W of power?
  8. jude's gonna make less money if he actually improves headfi's S/N ratio.
  9. zhaolu better than the 14k esoteric combo? nah come on...
  10. no shit, and he knows nothing besides the cd3k (and they are discontinued).
  11. seems like the zhaolu is busted and nubs are getting scammed...heh.
  12. i am inviting Jon L.
  13. its pretty easy to make a DIY hydra for like like 150 or so. 125 for a high quality BPT power strip, and maybe 15 bucks for some ac caps. or if you guys wanna go all out, get some ERS cloth, oyaide outlets and some good caps. as far as i can tell the power cord between the wall and the power conditioner won't make a lot of difference so you can put a cheaper cord like an ebay zu over there without messing up the sound.
  14. no to uzziah and welly wu.
  15. ok... [attachment deleted by admin]
  16. yea...not being able to ban dj_ballz is totally lame.
  17. BEST EVAR! fotm ftw.
  18. headphone amps don't really draw a lot of power so i guess we don't have to worry about power conditioners sucking the life out of the music. the lavry for example only draws like 12W or so, however power conditioning and power cords still make a difference to the sound IMHO.
  19. tiberian


    they umm can't quite touch the k701s. but the k271s are closed and not terribly hard to drive, i have some other uses for them.
  20. the good thing about the haley is its totally passive. no wasted heat and crazy electric bills.
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