Hi, I tend to post more on head-fi.org but wanted to chime in on this thread. I'm one of the people who got to hear Don's prototype. Here are my impressions:
I have heard several SET amps before, including the Decware MLB and the Wheatfield HA-2 (1?) I never liked them---they seemed too aggressive and forward. That doesn't mean I like a "laid-back" presentation, but I definitely don't like a forward presentation. Why? With a neutral presentation, I feel that my attention is free to move as I wish it to move... certainly musical events grab and hold my attention, but not so much that I feel a kind of "locked-in" feeling where I can hear only what the amp wants me to hear.
Because I didn't have a lot of money and time to explore, at the time I settled on the ASL MG-HEAD. It's okay, but not terrific.
Don brought his amp over. I got out my K601's and the source was a NAIM CD5x. My first impressions of Don's amp, listening to classical music, were
- Sweetness on massed strings. That's a good thing!
- Lovely beauty in the ebb and flow of phrasing.
Secondly, listening to Mozart's Requiem, I realized that the amp was fantastically high-resolution compared to the ASL. I always prefer the term "high-resolution" to "detailed" because it suggests that the "detail" is honest and in service of the music.
At this point, I was wondering if the amp was a bit too "tender" and "sweet", perhaps imposing its character on the music, so I put on a recording of a trombone quartet that I knew had some rockin' attacks. It was amazing how well differentiated the legato and stacco parts of the music were.
I have decided to buy this amp. Honestly, I can't claim to be familiar with a broad range of amps and designs, but I feel this is a big step up from my ASL, and the first headphone SET I've heard that does it for me.
The K601's sounded way better on the 120 ohm tap. The bass was not underdamped at all. I also listened to my DT880s and preferred the 28 ohm tap with those, at least in initial listening. However, this amp really made me appreciate the good qualities of the K601, such as the wide "headstage" and abundant "air".