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Everything posted by en480c4

  1. Not exactly a glowing review I'm enjoying it so far, though I definitley don't think it ranks among their best. I've wanted them to use more of Constance Green's character throughout the series. Here you have such a unique character... Someone who is learned, spending around a hundred years in isolation, reading endlessly, but has a naivet?... Someone who has a weariness from having been through so much, and appears wise beyond her years because outwardly she's a twenty year old girl. She's sort of a living anachronism who has a ton of potential as a character, and I have to say that they've squandered her so far. It seems they're content using her as a sidekick with but a few memorable moments.
  2. Killed me to put it down @ 12:30 AM... Looking forward to the last 90 pages. Just not sure when I'll have the time.
  3. I got one for $100 and one for $200... So the average for me is $150! I haven't seen many so I'm not sure what a real range is. IIRC, MSRP was $850, with a street price of $600-$650 or so when released. I don't have access to Audiogon's blue book, so I'm not sure what any others that have come up have sold for.
  4. I got both of mine off of Audiogon. I'm certainly not looking for another, but I do find myself searching for them pretty regularly and haven't come across another for sale yet.
  5. Something like that... Actually there are a few threads scattered in forums here and there about it, but most are years old. It's also touched upon in some DIY mod threads, but those are older as well. It's tough to track down much on it.
  6. A friend of mine thought Deathproof was a turd, too. He had bought it and gave it away to a coworker.
  7. Time for another follow-up... 6 months later! As some of you may have seen in the "Post Pics of Your Rig" thread, I've paired my home DA-500 with a Denon DCD-815 semi-vintage CD player from the mid-90s. I'm also using my SMC EZ-Stream wireless audio streamer with an optical digital out mod (thanks to Nate) with the DA-500. This allows me to use the DAC with both since it's in essence a digital switchbox with 3 optical inputs, 2 coaxial inputs, as well as optical and coaxial outputs. I don't know if it's the Denon house sound, the PCM-1702 DACs, their proprietary ALPHA processor or the combination of the three, but I really, really like this as my source. The presentation is very balanced, and it finds a combination of being detailed yet smooth that is pretty rare in my experiece. So many sources I've heard, especially stuff that would be considered mid-fi, are hyper-detailed to the point where they sound artificial, or are too smooth, with a kind of sheen that smears the treble detail. I'd have to say if probably leans to the warm side of neutral, and to be honest, that's right where I like things... Detailed but never fatiguing with full (warmish) midrange and bass. There seems to be excellent separation and air between the notes. And while I have to admit that soundstage (or headstage) is way down on my list of things to look for, things are easy to pick out from left to right, and while there's good width, it never seems "too" wide or artifical and maintains a cohesive image. As you can probably tell, I'm pretty happy with this purchase, especially considering I got one of the DA-500s for $100, and the other for $200. I'm sure there are any number of high-end sources out there that do more, but I can't imagine a piece that can do more for less. What's amazing is before I bought the two I have now, I had never seen one for sale. And I haven't seen one available since. I've read up on a number of mods that are out there, but to be honest, I'm a little hesitant to try any of them. I really like what I have now and hate to think that I could jeopordize that in the pursuit of improving it. In theory, there's not a whole lot in thing that can go wrong (knock on wood) since there are really no moving parts. Now transports can come and go and I won't have to worry about shelling out big bucks on Denon's high-end gear to get that house sound I like so much. I have been very disappointed with a lot of sources I've heard, including some of Denon's newer stuff like the DVD-2910. Some day I may start experimenting with gear further up the chain, but even with future plans including building a Beta22, I don't see myself looking for a new source anytime soon. Needless to say, I would definitely recommend picking up a DA-500 if you come across one at the right price and are in the market for a really great budget source. The obligatory picture:
  8. [Dr. Evil] One hundred million dollars! [/Dr. Evil]
  9. Tis a day of crappy movies!
  10. Bwahahahahahaha!!! It was free, and even Jessica Alba wasn't able to make me feel like I didn't get ripped off!
  11. Pretty mediocre, but wow... The little scene during the credits at the end should not be missed. Wow! The hardest I laughed during the whole movie was after the closing credits started to roll!
  12. Good Luck Chuck
  13. Excellent!
  14. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!! O0
  15. New knob x eleventy billion!!1
  16. It was down towards the bottom, and was blue and grey. I forgot the name
  17. I miss my old theme... :'(
  18. That's a little strange... The Red Sox game ends, they put the Yankees/Orioles game on the Jumbotron and 30,000 people stay @ Fenway to see if the Red Sox can win the division. Crazy!
  19. I just semi-retired my pair that are 10 years old. They're beat to hell, but so very comfortable. No cork left under the toes, holes through the leather under my big toes, not one bit of the tread patter left, and about half way through the cork on the heels. 3 months into my new ones, and they've got a long way to go to get as good as the old ones
  20. So far, so great!
  21. Considering the US Season 3 premier is 5 minutes away, I figured it was time to start this thread. I adore the UK version. I adore the US version. "Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's really not a part of his family."
  22. Hahahahaha!!! I warned you! Currently:
  23. en480c4


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