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Everything posted by en480c4

  1. Except half of the pages I visit don't load properly in Firefox or Opera, so what are my options? They also show up unhidden in IE on my smart phone...
  2. Damn you people... Highlighting text in red DOES NOT HIDE SPOILERS in IE7...
  3. Looking great!
  4. Wow. Just... Wow. That was UK Office uncomfortable at times. So very awkward. And I loved every minute of it.
  5. Yeah, I watched the first episodes of S04 a few weeks ago, then watched S03, and am in the process of watching S04 again with a friend to get her up to speed. Can't wait for new episodes!
  6. The long cold winter is over... Behold the warmth of the return of 30 Rock and The Office!!! It's weird to have something to look forward to on TV!
  7. Can someone just bust out the ban stick? Please?
  8. [me=en480c4]is pleased by the direction this thread has taken.[/me]
  9. I <3 Firefly! While I've yet to step up with the new format, I'm happy to see this is getting the treatment it deserves.
  10. Well, I always thought of Native American to be native to America the continent (North or South), not (The United States of) America, the country. :shrug:
  11. Just started re-watching Arrested Development from the beginning... So good. So very good.
  12. Aha. Nope, it's the little cube with all 5 seasons. So if it was on sale even back then, it must've been out a while and selling like shit. I have to admit... it's still in its shrink wrap, though. I'll dig into it at some point. I found out about the sale from aintitcoolnews.com as Hercules has much love for Joss and his efforts.
  13. From the "Audio Goodies For The Holidays" thread... I know you posted in there, and must've just missed the post, but it's a few up from you editing one of Jacob's posts for spoilers, so :shrug: As for Buffy, I have lots to say about the show but am at work so I can't give this topic the attention it deserves
  14. Yes. Ellen Page & Michael Cera FTW!
  15. Those are the three I use the most. Others can come in handy depending on the shape, but IMO those three are essential.
  16. The Office - Season 3, Disc 4
  17. She's considered alt-country, kind of a southern-gothic vibe. A few samples are available here. I Neko!
  18. Yup, checked online and it's 2000 copies. Don't know how long that'll last, but better safe than sorry, right?
  19. It's the same one from Lance Rock Records, but as far as I know, it was a limited run and is OOP and is only available where it's still in stock.
  20. Indeed! The FCBTF arrived yesterday, and I should get Blacklisted this week. Then off they go!
  21. Oh yeah, I also picked up some cocobolo, mahogany and myrtle burl blanks.
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