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Everything posted by en480c4

  1. en480c4


    Hell, I'm up for signing up for a month to explore what they have. That's a cool idea, a cool setup and it looks like quite the varied artists/genres.
  2. en480c4

    slow forum

    But it says funny.
  3. Wall-E
  4. Shocking, I know!
  5. My father made the trip down a few times last week cleaning up some of the drywall in my bathroom as well as installing new light fixtures and a new faucet. I finally finished sanding and priming it this week, as well as getting a first coat of white on the wainscotting and chair rail. Today I got the first coat of color on the walls and ceiling. So it went from this: To this:
  6. Seems like most mods are pretty accommodating about locking a FS thread or editing FS thread titles if asked.
  7. Me too. I think this is by far the most consistantly entertaining show on TV. This season has been top notch.
  8. Surprise 60th birthday party for my mom... It was a great group of her family and friends, and she was absolutely shocked when she walked in. Pretty cool day.
  9. Definitely in.
  10. Quantum of Solace
  11. Yesterday afternoon I picked up 500 GB SATA HD & Vista Ultimate. Last night I almost had to buy a new window after coming dangerously close to throwing my computer through it. As I sit here wishing I had the $ for a Mac Mini...
  12. So I guess you don't need help getting the cap on!
  13. Went up to Wiscasset for my grandfather's 88th birthday. Good to see him and lots of family... Long day, though.
  14. Happy Birthday Vincent!
  15. Chuck. So very excellent.
  16. Nova G3 Chuck for my lathe... Or at least half of one, with Nate chipping in for the other half, plus an adapter and a couple pieces of cocobolo. Should be fun giving wood cups for my D2000s a shot in the coming weeks!
  17. The HD201s do sound pretty damn good for the money, but I didn't feel they isolated particularly well. I've been fairly happy with my K81 DJs. I use them on bus trips when coaching, and often at track meets before or after the vault is done. Neither situation is particularly quiet, and while they don't isolate as well as IEMs, they do quite well. I should also note that I did swap out the Senn velour pads on the K81s to great effect... Redued bass a bit, resulting in a far more balanced phone at the expense of a bit of isolation.
  18. I only got about half-way through the 3rd episode of season 3 and haven't revisited it. Loved seasons 1 and 2, but am definitely having trouble getting into season 3. :shrug:
  19. en480c4


    That's good to hear. And I know shows take a while to gel, which is why I haven't written it off completely. I've fallen behind so much on TV shows since getting rid of the DVR, I'm missing lots of stuff I really like, meaning there's definitely not time for stuff I'm on the fence about.
  20. en480c4


    My interest kind of flamed out after the first few episodes. Walter's entertaining, Blondey's hot, and hey, it's Pacey. But the group seems to have no chemistry together, Mr. Jackson apparently can't act for shit away from 'The Creek' and it's lots of build-up with no real pay-off. :shrug: I'll probably catch up with it at some point, though.
  21. en480c4


    From many a source on the intraweb, if they're to be believed... The Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892. "Under God" was not part of the original pledge, and was added by Congress in 1954 after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus in response to the "godless communist threat." Though oddly enough Bellamy was considered a Socialist. But anyway, here's a quote attributed to Bellamy about his Pledge... Combine that with "In God We Trust" being added to currency by Congress in 1955, again in response to the Red Scare, and you have a significant (recent) shift. And religion keeps coming into play with the gay marriage debate because religious dogma and the Bible is always referenced when opposing it. That should have no effect on how couples are viewed by the law. If that means removing the word marriage from the issue, and speaking only in terms of civil unions with respect to law, then so be it.
  22. Frosted Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop Tarts
  23. D2000s. Definitely remembering why I liked these at the NYC meet last fall. Hardly perfect, but a nice (closed) complement to my HF-1s. Texture is big for me, and these seem to excel in that regard. Heading to Woodcraft at lunch to see what they have for wood and a chuck for the inevitable modifications to follow
  24. Worked. Voted. Worked some more.
  25. Airfoil for Windows, so I can use my Airport Express with foobar, as iTunes wasn't playing nice with my library.
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