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Everything posted by bjarnetv

  1. While the maggies certainly are large, they can be somewhat integrated into a room with the correct cloth color. The LXminis looks like someone left their spud gun collection out in the open.
  2. LX Mini - Has there ever been a speaker with less WAF?
  3. and the room will always have that romantic candlelit ambience
  4. i've heard a lot of praise for Elac lately, so that's definitely a hot tip.
  5. LM audio LM-3 and some amp porn. LM Audio G-212 and G-2
  6. to be honest, i didn't really expect the difference to be this big. it's like going from 2d to 3d. if you ever see a good deal on the AT33ptg/II, buy one, and track down a reasonable stepup with 100ohm input impedance. the change from a NAD PP2 to Reflex M was in no way as big a change as going from the Denon to the AT.
  7. Shipping stuff out of Norway is insanely expensive, so it's not really worth the hassle. (it would cost £30 just to ship the PU!) The DL-110 sounds almost identical though, so i would just get one of those. Also, being a lowly pleb is no good! At least aim for joining a retinue (ala. DV 5x10) if you are not ready to join the ranks of nobility. (low output mc)
  8. I can't even! The music is in my body! Caressing my DNA. How did i ever survive with a lowly, pleibian DL160? This is what being noble must sound like.
  9. picked some random record out of the huge lump i was given the other day - instantly new favorite record.
  10. It really is the best and most logical kind of logic.
  11. Well that escalated quickly. Since i just upgraded my RIAA, i figured i was going to upgrade my cart from the old DL160 to something slightly better. Then i was given around 5 banana-crates full of old jazz and classical records for free.... Seeing as the vinyl rig just got a whole lot more important, i'm going all out ordering a GS Elevator EXP and an AT33ptg/II cart. I didn't really need that savings account anyway
  12. Didn't Luxman use a magnetic bearing on the pd441? i guess that gives some of the benefits without having to actually suck, like this probably will
  13. probably a lot, though i guess they could try to combat it with some sort of antimagnetic "mat" on top of the platter to minimize the magnetic interference on the cartridge? i also wonder how stable the speed would be, and how much the platter would wobble playing an uneven record.
  14. The local graham slee importer is closing it's doors and is selling off the remaining stock with a 40% discount. Naturally i picked up a reflex M and psu1. only problem now is i feel compelled to upgrade my lowly DL160 PU as well! #1st world problems also, this is the daintiest piece of hi-fi hardware i have ever seen!
  15. yep, a Tobacco nunbuck. Haven't used it much yet, but it seems to be high quality. The problem with rally straps is they tend to stretch out to fast due to all the holes, but this one is slightly thicker then the ones i have tried before, so hopefully it will be slightly more durable.
  16. Thanks! There is something special about a GS that you can't really understand until you've handled one. I was pretty pleased with my old Sinn 103 st, even after trying out several blancpains, omegas, rolexes and panerias at different watch GTGs, but this GS is just in a different league from everything else i have ever handled. The overall finish and sense of quality is just unbelievably high! At first i was kind of worried about walking around with something so valuable, but it's been stuck to my wrist since i've bought it, and its not coming off any time soon. the poor sinn has been laying in the drawer for weeks now...
  17. i was saving up some money to buy a new dynamic headphone amp, as i've been without one after my old head-direct hf5 died on me, but then this beauty showed up, and all my plans were thrown out the window. guess i'll have to survive using my floats off my stereo amp a few more years. i didn't want to go all the way to the attic and look for my ortho-collection anyway.
  18. To be honest i can't even remember what's going on inside the different phones, but i think most of them are filled with some kind of bitumen, italian fancy felt, and tiny tape squares. I often think of commissioning someone to build me a proper amp for my ps2 Floats, but they are just so damn uncomfortable i always discard the thought after using them for an extended period. still love them though
  19. I just did some house cleaning the other day, and found my box full of floats, old orthos, SFI's and fine italian artisanal felt squares. Seeing them all dusty and forgotten in that box made me feel slightly bad. I've been using my old T20v2 pretty much exclusively for years now, since i mainly use headphones at work. Guess it's time to get a new amp and pull some old phones out of the box
  20. Alt vel her After rebuilding them for the hundredth time i stuck them in the attic, awaiting the day someone invents a dependable DIY tensioning rig. The deck is a Luxman pd 272. I mostly listen to music through itunes nowadays, so it's mainly there to make the setup seem more classy. The big pile of stuff is the rest of the amps and boxes running the speakers. a Sumo Andromeda for the Bass, Holton NXV300 monoblocks for the mids, Quad II for the tweeters, rotel RB1510 for the sub, aaaand a minidsp 4x10HD to tie it all together. the Andromeda is getting replaced by a NXV500, but i am just too lazy to build it right now. Got too many projects, and Dark souls III just came out!
  21. yeah, a 2x4HD should be sufficient for integrating some subs, but the 4x10HD is more future-proof just think about the future possibilities! subs from 20-80hz, some dipole woofers from 80-150 and then the esl63 on top of that my old setup of esl63's and 4x15" OB woofers crossed over with a 2x4 didn't go any deeper than 45hz, but it had lots of slam! would have been perfect with the TH sub filling in the bottom (currently disguised as a bookshelf) to bad i could never get the rebuilt ESL panels to operate reliably.
  22. I would stay away from hypex dclp. There was a group buy here in Norway, and many lost their magic smoke for no reason. Hypex haven't been much help in solving the issues as far as i can understand. The software is also quite bad. I used a 2x4 when integrating dipole woofers with my esl63's and that worked great. GR servo subs are supposed to be quite good, and i was tempted to buy some a few years back, but shipping to Norway was too expensive. Right now i am using a DIY LAB12 Tapped Horn sub and 4x10HD with my dipoles, and if you have the space it's a pretty good solution. Easy to integrate, and very effortless big sound.
  23. i wish i could be part of the accuphase fanclub...
  24. what this thread needs is some Hornographic norwegian DIY projects nagaoka horns with OB bass towers ALE drivers and temporary OB bass towers SLOB towers and temporary TAD horns. ALE drivers and OB towers i believe all the OB towers use GPA 515 woofers
  25. stave churches just look so damn good! also:
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