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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jpelg

  1. Photographer Larry Fink passes: https://www.larryfinkphotography.com/index.html https://www.blind-magazine.com/stories/larry-finks-penetrating-portrait-of-class-in-america/ https://www.blind-magazine.com/news/larry-fink-the-time-it-takes/ https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/photos/2015/04/larry-fink-rarely-seen-party-photos
  2. I've read similar in the interwebs. Is this "audiophilia nervosa", or based at all in reality? Anyone have experience comparing direct-USB connections to converted-USB to SPDIF for DAC's that have both inputs?
  3. Are there any docks for the Mac-mini that have a lightning port to which your existing DAC can plug into (as a stop-gap, anyway)?
  4. I can't say much about DAC's in general. But as an owner of Magnepan 1.7i speakers, I will say that Maggies will be very sensitive & revealing to changes in your audio chain. I assume the Mini-Maggies are similar. So, I suggest having a somewhat clear idea of what improvments you are looking for if changing any individual piece, and being able to compare a few different new samples, returning what doesn't fit into your overall desired sound signature. For example, I went from a quite revealing, all solid-state chain (DAC/Pre->Stereo Amp & cables), to a more pleasing, warmer amplification section (warm class-D Amp monoblocks->Tube Pre-amp), but keeping my slightly more analytical DAC. Substituting a warmer DAC was too much of a good thing & didn't balance quite right to my ears with the warmer upstream components. Bringing back in my original DAC balanced things out better. As always, trust your own ears.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. ^Us too. Through ep3 at this point.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Some new contemporary female vocals: Janita Greentea Peng
  10. Happy birthday buddy!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. jpelg

    Speaker Porn

    credit: @amiciaudiofiliitaliani • Instagram photos and videos
  15. Thank you all for the birthday wishes everyone. This one (60) hits hard, and is a bit surreal, actually. So, of course I went to see a tribute band for The Smiths last night, & felt young again for a few hours:
  16. So sorry to read about Sophie. She indeed was a cutie. Deepest condolences Shelly.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. I was "today year's old" when I learned that Teddy Pendergrass was a member of Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes 🤦‍♂️:
  19. Finished Deadloch (mentioned previously) - recommended. Also gone through The Horror of Dolores Roach (Prime) - aka, the Sweeney Todd of Washington Heights. Crazy, mostly fun ride.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Deadloch (Prime) - first episode in, enjoyable so far.
  22. What, no Kajagoogoo?
  23. Happy birthday, Kerry!
  24. A few recent watches: On AppleTV, Silo - why are people living underground in this dystopian future? On Hulu, The Class of 09, an interesting portrayal of how a surveillance-state develops: Also started on AppleTV, High Desert, for some comedy: Decent, if not great watches so far - soft recommendations, all. They could all use some tightening up, storywise. But then they'd be movies instead of a series, I guess #shrug.
  25. RIP Auntie Joyce
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