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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jpelg

  1. Zoe Keating at the Katherine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center. Short, but very cool what she can do with a cello & a sampler/looper.
  2. Married four years ago on Leap Year Day (Feb 29th) 526+4 = 530 (or 527 depending on how you look at it.)
  3. "Over The Rhine" at the Fairfield Theatre Co. on Friday night. Karin is one of the most underrated voices I know.
  4. Nice pics from all the NYC riders - congrats! Ari - do not call, email, text, or communicate in any way with this girl. Ignore her. She will interpret this as you having more important things to do, including other women in the wings waiting to pick up the slack. She will either: 1. Contact you within a few weeks, casually asking what you've been up to, in a thinly veiled attempt to get find out if you have a new girlfriend. 2. Send you a text at 2am on a Saturday nite asking if she can come over. 3. Call you crying on New Years Eve telling you she misses you. 4. Never contact you again. In any of these scenarios, you come out ahead. Trust me. Cheers buddy.
  5. Jazz At Lincoln Center - They Came To Swing Ok, so I first have to fess up that I "music-stalk" Haj's posts, as his tastes align quite abit with mine. So, I've had this recording on my "to-buy" list for a while now. It's easily available online, but never popped up at any of my local brick-&-mortar stores. Yesterday, while perusing the music section (CD's, vinyl, tapes) of one of the nearby Goodwill's, I came across a cassette tape of this & thought I'd pick it up for 50 cents. Currently listening at my work desk out of my old Panasonic Shockwave RQ-SW10 walkman & cheap Sony earbuds. Dunno if it's just this particular recording, but I don't remember tapes sounding this good. Thanks Haj!
  6. Glad your gas issues are behind you Shelly. Cute opposum. For some reason, this commercial always makes me laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuNihdGBu8k
  7. Not streaming Luther via Netflix last night because my PS3 (fat 160G) required yet another fucking Sony update which coincided with said PS3's subsequent crap out, vis-a-vis the dreaded red blinking power light on restart. From what I've been able to cull from the Internets, this is likely a motherboard issue requiring a repair. Shutting off the main power switch overnight didn't help. Damn, less than four years of extremely light use as soley a Blu-Ray player/Netfix streamer (never had a game played thru it). Seems to be the average lifespan of electronics these days.
  8. I always thought that "write-offs" were effectively tax deductions by balancing against actual income. But then again, I am basing that on the Kramer School of Finance: Regardless, a nice thing for your wife to do HA.
  9. ecp Audio mentioned in ApartmentTherapy.com article for Pickett Furniture: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/pickett-furniture-morkt-samfunn-console-dwell-on-design-2012-173238 Congrats Doug!
  10. The Killing, season 1 finale. Dang, why did it take so long for me to get into this series? Now I have to find Season 2 somehow, since it's not available on-demand
  11. Netflix via wi-fi connected PS3 works pretty well these days. It used to be kinda buggy, but lately works with minimal babysitting. Even Sony's updates have quieted down lately. Hi-Def content (music or video) over wi-fi is not a good plan. But the PS3 does allow connection of external USB storage devices, including hard drives & even USB sticks, from which to play media content just as if it were stored locally inside the PS3 itself. This has worked pretty well for us too.
  12. Wouldn't this supposed change show up on the FR graphs provided with each unit?
  13. The Empire State Building & the Statue of Liberty still impress me. Everyone should do both at least once.
  14. Breakout Kings season 2 finale. This show really found its stride this year & this was a fitting season ender.
  15. Echoing everyone's sentiments & well-wishes to archosman & Al. With an 81 year-old dad in failing health, I can truly empathize. It's really tough. My best to you both & your families.
  16. ^That shot will mean a lot to him & his (now & future) family, many times, for many years to come.
  17. Ari, do you need RAW?
  18. They sell off your data to the highest bidder on that new show "Internet Storage Wars"
  19. Ok, I forgot "that doesn't cost US$7000".
  20. Download speed is a matter of network bandwidth. Which network do you want to use? Your Internet provider's or your cell phone provider's? Storage space is a matter of what you are willing to pay for solid-state storage. How much storage do you need/want in a portable device? Both of those become affordable over time with no other impetus from audiophiles. My (minor) issue is the fact that the process of obtaining & backing up my music will still require effort from me. Today I buy a CD or DVD-A, and rip it myself to the format my players (home & portable) can play. That won't change with downloads when shiny discs go completely away. Tomorrow I will download a hi-rez album & then have to back it up to a disc for safe keeping. The same process, just in reverse. And now I have to pony up for the backup medium.
  21. How much more does it cost for companies to maintain & distribute multiple formats (say...full/hi-rez (up to 24/192), hi-quality mp3 (320k), lo-quality mp3 (128k), & streaming quality) and allow the consumer to choose? Is it worth it for them? My 64GB Touch can play all of that, including full-rez Redbook & downsampled hi-rez, in Apple Lossless, AIFF, FLAC, & WAV formats. This, in a portable player that fits in my palm & slips into a shirt pocket. How much more do I want on the hardware side other than full hi-rez?
  22. I don't get it either. I think the Olympus designers missed the point. Those of us who used to shoot film are hankering for a digital camera that handles like our old film bodies & has resolution & dynamic range that approaches our old film medium. I want a shutter speed dial. I want a real aperture ring. I want an ISO dial. I want the brightest, clearest viewfinder to make it easier to manually focus. I want lenses with markings to allow for easy zone prefocusing. Fuck LCD's with buttons, & menus, & submenus. Making the same digital camera, controls and all (or lack thereof), in the shape of a classic OM camera does not cut it, imo. But what do I know...*shrug*
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