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Everything posted by jpelg

  1. HB James!
  2. ^This.
  3. jpelg


    How does that work? My local theatres don't allow phones on while the movie is playing.
  4. Happy (belated) birthday, Deepak!
  5. ^This. If you know a good, trustworthy insurance adjuster to fight on your behalf with your insurance company, it may mean the difference between getting paid and not.
  6. Wow, that's crazy Larry. Glad the family is ok & the gear is safe for whatever you decide to do with it. Good luck man.
  7. Thanks for the birthday wishes folks - much, much appreciated. My wife & I just got back to CT after a long weekend up in Mattapoisett, MA visiting my brother & his family (wife & four children). The "big 'five-oh'" hit me harder psychologically than I had anticipated. However, being around family & friends, especially the youthful energies of my nieces & nephew made for a wonderful couple of days. Here's to a productive & positive year ahead. It's been a while since I've met up with my fellow headphiles in person. Perhaps I can rectify that this year as well. Cheers!
  8. Episode 4 just aired last week on this side of the pond. I was intrigued with the first ep, but am bored now. "The Fall" is so much better. Can't wait for "Luther" (season 3) to run this week!
  9. "Disco" - Pet Shop Boys A Goodwill find in vinyl. Shep Pettibone's extra-long remixes of "Love Comes Quickly" and "West End Girls" are sublime. Takes me back. Way back.
  10. Those vids are pure gold. Thanks so much for everyone involved for allowing them to be shared for the rest of us to live vicariously and have a chuckle.
  11. Finished season 1 of "The Fall" - like Gillian Anderson looks amazing playing British with a very consistent accent, in this gritty, serial-killer drama based in Belfast. It's well-done, with interesting parallels between the killer's acts & the rest the cast's regular lives juxtaposed expertly for the viewer, underscoring the theme of compartmentalizing different aspects of one's life. All five eps are available on Netflix.
  12. That sucks Nate. Thought of you & your family when I saw this today: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/15/rabies-bats-woman-dies-_n_3763283.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular Good call on preventive measures.
  13. What's so wrong with bats? Crazy story Nate!
  14. What a great looking pup. So sorry for your loss Mike.
  15. jpelg

    The Killing

    Great season 3 overall. One of my favorite shows.
  16. Finally finished the first season of "Orphan Black" this weekend. Very, very good (although the finale was a bit rushed, as they often are these days). Tatiana Maslany is incredible at playing all of those roles! Also, been keeping up with the remaining episodes of "Zero Hour". This show has turned out to be quite good. Should never have been cancelled after only two eps, especially knowing it was only designed for a single (half) seasons going in.
  17. FM reception was one of Mikhail's many upgrade options!
  18. Anyone heard the Sennheiser HDVD 800? Headroom specs show it having a 16-ohm output impedance. Not sure if that's for the balanced output, or single-ended, or both.
  19. BBC America says it will air Season 3 in September: http://www.bbcamerica.com/luther/
  20. Err... how may I ask?
  21. Continuum - S2, Eps 1 & 2 Apparently the SyFy channel began airing Season 2 six weeks ago with absolutely no fanfare, nor mention that it moved from Mondays @9 to Fridays @10 Luckily Comcast has it on-demand.
  22. ^All of this x2.
  23. jpelg

    Speaker Porn

    Does that actually exist IRL? That pic looks rendered.
  24. Swap with each other, or with another pair?
  25. I always wanted to hear the ECP amps with Grado's.
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