My brother is an expert class amature mountain bike racer. He's in incredible shape.
In a race last year his time for four laps of the 5 mile course,
was about the same as the time the pros did SIX LAPS!!!
Well ... I'm sure you've got a bead on the official line, but I'm still waiting for pix.
WTF ... srsly ... and all that shit ... snap a pic with your cell phone and get some interwebs chops and post it up mobayrasta!
I want to see a raccoon eating a birthday cake or some such domesticated thing or other dhamit!
That's it!?
Shit, where's the fuckin' raccoon pix?
Gebus Chris, you really slid under the wire on this one.
I guess you've got good tone controls.
Still like to see a pic of your raccoon though.
I have to say that when ask which speakers I lust after, it's Green Mountain Audio.
I wish he'd go to more shows as I rarely get the chance to hear them,
but they consistently sound great in hotel rooms ... and that's not easy.