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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. In at 6:02 Thur; out at 3:10 Monday.
  2. Who me? Sand is a geek hipster term for solid state gear. Silly kids.
  3. Sorry, Graham. Ken and Fitz offered me space in the "morphic relationships workshop" cabin. So I'm bunking with them. Thanks anyway!
  4. In. Audio too. Step on it Wayne.
  5. Hey John! Happy B-Day! Thanks for all the stuff you've done for the hobby, man. I really appreciate it.
  6. I'll double down on all those previous "that sucks, sorry Steve's" because I just decided I'm in. It seems too epic to miss. Thanks Gene. I'm gonna get in line behind CJ for floor space in the hotel, or a room or suite to split if one still remains amongst you. I'm gonna try to go see Jerry Harvey either before or after the weekend, so not sure of my exact schedule yet. But my intention is get there early and stay late. Um ... yee haa?!
  7. Funny for a hobby so young that we're already talking about relocating our dead.
  8. No worries. It was fun. Wordpress is getting pretty fully featured these days.
  9. Holy Huddler, Batman! That doesn't sound good.
  10. Hmmm ... I wonder how much of that I do?
  11. Why? Edit: Ahhhhh. Now I see. Don't worry, I'm digging a hole I'll need "professional" help getting out of soon enough.
  12. Good yes, but holy crap, my head's exploding. I love steep learning curves ... but you do skin your knees and curse a lot.
  13. Man! Just started playing around with Drupal ... what a friggen cool tool. I really can't believe such a powerful piece of software exists for free. And it works, too. Anybody else feeling droopy?
  14. Any chance of it being exported to another platform?
  15. And if I don't read it? Thanks mang.
  16. I agree. What about this?
  17. Thanks for all your work on this front, John. I think it's a laudable effort, and that there should be a way to try to add the strengths of our hobby in with the strengths of the audiophile hobby. The problem I have is that I think we were making serious headway with the CanJam meets as independent entities as well, and it's a shame to loose that momentum. It seems to me that we've moved sideways, and not forward in this case, hitching our gitalong to the audiophile world. They say they're dying, you know. I talked to John Atkinson at RMAF and he was very complementary about how the headphone hobby is moving forward. But he was saddened to hear that independent CanJams were likely to end. He definitely perceives the headphone world as the healthiest area of the audio hobby. I think separate events are as, if not more, important to the health of our hobby than events combined with the audiophile market at large. I think we have new and important things to say and do ... I think we're the leaders, not the followers, in this case (how to breath new life into the audiophile hobby) ... I think running our own events is important.
  18. +1 Hi Daniel! Good to hear from you! Thanks for all your attention over the years. I think you were "a division of HeadRoom" in some regards. Next drink's on me.
  19. I've got deer in my back yard often ... and it's just a neighborhood lot backyard. You can keep your rats. Really I was just posting pix to make you jealous. Here, lemme do it again: Edit: Say is there going to be a CanJam in NY?
  20. I think I've done like 140. Scares the shit out of me. You can't see anything 'cause you're concentrating on the road to hard. I'd rather see stuff. Remember: force equals em vee squared, baby. That V squared will kill ya if ya hit a deer. Hi Aaron!
  21. Thanks for the kind words guys. 'Preciate it. I am going to be doing something else. It will be for, and by, the hobby ... directly. I think we should measure every important headphone ever made. For starters. Along about January I'll need a lot of your help ... err ... geek play. Hope to see you then.
  22. Just checking in here to say I'm "in." Mostly there for Saturday. Anybody got a room Saturday night I can split with ya? Guess I should bring some headphones.
  23. Wooop ... wooop ... old fart getting older alert! Happy Birfday, Wayne. Have a great day!
  24. I sat at the family table and ate fish that Todd's dad caught in Lake Superior. To say that it was a superior experience in the Michigander lifestyle and an ample helping of home-made hospitality would be an understatement. My sincerest condolences and hugs to Todd and family. Love you, man. Tyll
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