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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. Ya know what I'd like? A bag with a plugstrip in it. Ya plug all your wallewarts in and run the cables to little pockets inside where you keep your gadgets plugged in. Then, when your at the airport, you just open a little side zipper and plug the whole bag in to charge your stuff. Anyone ever see something like that?
  2. OOooooo! Nice shovel-duck. And whats with all this "pendant" talk?
  3. Well Kevin, lemme know if you're really serious about something like this. I would consider housing such a tester. Not sure it's really quite up my "personal audio" ally, but I'd certainly think about it.
  4. Suweet! Does that mean I can cook the brat while Im eating it?
  5. I think it's some speacial effects from a scene in this movie where there's an operation that gives one the others face. ... or something like that.
  6. Tyll Hertsens

    Top Gear

    Can anyone point me to a place to download episodes? Cancelled my digital cable ... I miss Top Gear terribly, but not willing to pay $60/mo for it. (Pretty much the only TV I watched. Streaming Netflix FTW.))
  7. +1 on OtterBox. I've got their Defender series on my iPad, iTouch, Droid incredible. They're prolly beefier than you want, but the Commuters look about right for what you described.
  8. Hm. I did that. Do you put the YouTube page URL in there, or the embed code? Sorry for the noise ... I'll try to make it up .. ... how about this? Ahhhhhhhhh! Nevermind.
  9. Oooooooo! Triangles! And Ukuleles FTMFW! Edit: How do you embed youtubes now?
  10. Something quite like that. The Adam and Eve joke. I'll make a little video of it someday and post it up.
  11. Sweet! Dive in!
  12. Play that funky music, white boy.
  13. Yup. Thanks Todd. Lotsa work to tidy things up, but this is a marvelous place filled with good folk. Thanks for working it all these years, bro. Internet homes are not easy to come by, you work making this one for us is a blessing. I'll go clean my room now.
  14. Ditto, my new content just stopped working a few hours ago.
  15. Woot! Happy dog! Welcome to the neighborhood, Neko.
  16. Okay, I'm in.
  17. Geebus! Is this guy really that good, or is it camera trickery? Friggen amazing.
  18. So, Kevin, do I tap into the mains prior to the breaker? Just guesing here: install new breaker; run cable to room; hok up to wonking great doughnuts; run to dedicated floorboxes in room? Also, run new ground to room and install ground on tranformer secondary? Sumpin' like that? Oh, thenks Craig. I'm somewhat aware of the problems getting a good earth ground, but your comments put a point on it. oil at my house is fairly rich loam and moist. I have a low spot the run along the back of my property and should be fairly moist and soft. I'm wondering a bit abwout how long a run it is to the room; likely in the neighborhood of 100 feet. Fat cable should be fairly low resistance though, I'll have to lok that up. Am I shooting for some nominal acceptable resistance to ground? 10...1...0.1 Ohms?
  19. I haven't recovered from the last Tampa thing. Y'all be crazy!!
  20. Slowed a little this am, but back to blazing now. WAAAAAAYYYY better than Huddler as far as the use interface. I find it surprisingly similar to the general VB environment. I reckon a little confusion just comes from something new .... ...'course I'm confused a lot, so don't mind me.
  21. Okay. Should I silver solder my breaker box?
  22. Is Romex (regular AC housing cable) okay, or should I be looking at another conductor type?
  23. Thanks for taking the time to post long, Craig.
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