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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. Could a mod please re-title this thread "advice ona Blow Job" then we can just carry on.
  2. They all kinda suck. Buy the ATH-m50 and save some bux, or the Shure SRH880 and don't.
  3. I heard it at a coupla trade shows with the generic hrtf, it was the most convincing out-of-head Ive heard yet, but that's not saying much. I'd love to hear itwith my own filter.
  4. Sweet! Thanks for the tip, ujamerstand!
  5. God, I love this thread.
  6. Geebus, Im really fucking up the numbers today...dt880. Ill go back to my corner now.
  7. Doh! Uh ... yeah .. I meant ER4. ER6 is good for the price, but yeah, not anywhere near reference, my bad. I'm gonna press you to get the HD800, cuz they really do it, but I'll give you a back door too. The Denon D2000 is a bit of a bright bitch, but measures pretty good for the price. I'm gonna get me a pair and work on tweaks for it to publish. I think it's almost there and with a little change in padding or something it might be really cool. A Beyer DT880 600 ohm might work. AKG 701 also. Both bright, but not uncontrolled. Impulse response on both look pretty much as good as the 800. "Looks like" and "sounds like" are two different things though. Back to the ER4, it may be a pain in the butt inserting them all the time but I think they'd work for you while you save up for the 800s. Oh ... my favorites ... LCD-2, JH13, and Skullcandy Aviators. Only half kidding on that last one, they're a lot of fun.
  8. I'm surprised they didn't just give me a typwriter...but I'm not going to complain...that's for damn sure.
  9. Haven't started measuring IEMs yet so I can't speak to that technically, but I do think the JH13 are awesome. That said, the Ety ER6 may have the cleanest highs around. Mead knows his shit too. Of the full size, tthe HD800 has the best impulse response and square wave. The LCD2 has the same or less distortion, but I hear them as a tad slow. Prolly want a quicker sounding can. If you want revealing the he6 will do that, but it's accentuating edges a bit; I would think you want to hear what's really there .... If you can. . (not easy, I miss a lot, measurements help a lot, IMHO) *tips hat* Sooooooo many others are thought of as detailed, but are really just ringing. I use the 800 for critical evaluation. But it's not my favorite by a good margin.
  10. I think its because the reactive nature of the cans becomes part of the feedback network.
  11. I just thought they were a bit hairy. Which is fine.
  12. Oooooooo, goody, goody! I was talking to the mothership the other day about my email account, seems they don't want me accessing it on anything but a corporate computer. "Well," I sez, "I kinda need a test-bed Mac for playing around with audio apps, and I was looking for something I could wipe clean and reflush so it's got a fresh OS for testing software." "Sorry, you can't mess with corporate machines." "Um," says I in a brilliant flash of thought, "I could use my little MacBook for that if you could send me a MacBookPro I could do my regular work faster." "We only send Macs to creative people." "I'm creative." "No. Editors and stuff." "Oh! I'm an editor." "Okay. No problem." "Um ... I'll need lots of RAM and fast processors to run the Adobe stuff." "Sure, no problem." "Yeah, well, do you have the latest Adobe stuff, too?" "(Sigh) Yeah, no problem. What's your address?" .... stunned silence ... I gave it. I've got no idea what I'm getting other than that. w00t!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1R4vxlGYtY Geez, Matthew Broderic is good. Nothing like a wholesome heaping helping of sweet corn.
  14. Yeah ... even when you don't want it to. Damn fat fingxers. See!
  15. Wow. Glad for you guys, Carl. That's a scary time, glad things turned out okay for them.
  16. Cool! Another internet automated noisemaker.
  17. 42 ... I think?
  18. Hey! Don't forget orange.
  19. The OP was a pretty open question, looks like to me.
  20. This might help: http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/All%20graphs.pdf
  21. I think there's a bit of a problem with the damping on the LCD-2, playing with the cloths may be productive.
  22. I guess I should give Fang a call and get one in here.
  23. I liked the HE-5LE better than the He-5....less "zingy", I agree with both of you though, the LCD2 rocks.
  24. Sheesh, I'll do it again too .. HAPPY BIRFDAY, AL!
  25. Woot! Happy birthday guys! Post cool prezzy pix!
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