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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. I've gotten the latest iteration of the T50p, now with smaller headband. Meh. It's not as bad as the first of the three pairs they sent me, but it's still pretty poor for the price. Sort of good AM radio sounding. DT 1350 FTMFW though, they're damned good.
  2. I really don't know how much class we have around here.
  3. And the CypherLabs Algorythm.
  4. Nice! Congrats! Prost!
  5. From last night's riot in Vancouver ... a Canuck scores!
  6. ^^^^^ On a lighter note:
  7. ... and your point is?
  8. I bought the Otterbox protective case. It seems to be a little more "grippy" when I have lotion on my hands.
  9. No kidding. When I first read it, I thought, "Damn, this is a perfect article for InnerFidelity." Short, dense with info, in a clear personal voice. Thanks so much Ryan. Very good stuff.
  10. recstar24 gets his name in lights! http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/eddie-current-balancing-act
  11. "As you sow, so shall you reap."
  12. Hahaha.
  13. I looked ... I have to say, I think you're right ... maybe I'm just a little bit gay, but I think they've all got moves. Geeks on a rampage, FTMFW!
  14. I defer to your gayness, of course, but I was thinking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr7djGY1fhA
  15. I like kittehs too ... but geez. And the meme begins to echo.
  16. Not safe for work! WTF? I can't see a damn thing.
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