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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. I'd be happy to measure some stuff. Lemme know.
  2. That reminds me, I saw 2001 A Space Odyssey last night on my iPad/Netflix. Couldn't stop thinking about Grahame's avatar.
  3. Anybody know what a vole is? Basically, it's a little rodent that likes to burrow. But up here where the snow is usually 10 feet deep, they make tunnels between the ground and the snowpack, packing mud up into the snow. When the snow melts, you end up with little above ground tunnels .... everywhere. Voles can have 5-10 littes a year with 5-10 young per litter. You do the math. You couldn't walk without stepping on vole tunnels up there. End of the trail. It was a great birthday!
  4. I can't tell you how soft and interesting the ground felt. Sort of like 2 foot thick loofa. If Walt Disney did nature, this would be it. 'Course Walt wouldn't have had the patience needed to split a rock nature's way.
  5. This is at the highest point. Probably about 9600'. Looking the other way ... she's standing in the same spot. We decided to go off trail and down into the bowl. From there we just followed the melt downhill.
  6. The trail stopped at a snow field. We did manage to pick it up on the other side up the hill a way, but it was weird tromping on snow in shorts for a little bit. What's the old saying? "It's steeper than it looks."
  7. The textures of the rock were just amazing. All manner of stripes and wiggles showing up. Occasionally we'd see a rock in the trail with a vivid blaze of rose quartz in it. We're looking down at Big Sky ski resort. Or part of it ... Big Sky has a lift that goes to the very top of Lone Mountain.
  8. Snowball!!! August 11th and it's just springtime up here.
  9. Hi Guys! Thanks for the warm well wishes. I had a GREAT day yesterday! My wife and I took the dog for a walk.
  10. Man, I feel sorry for this guy:
  11. A leaf. SOURCE (with more)
  12. Thanks Todd.
  13. 360 view of shuttle flight deck. Button, button, what fucking button do I push again? http://360vr.com/2011/06/22-discovery-flight-deck-opf_6236/index.html
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