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Tyll Hertsens

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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. O.o
  2. Sorry.
  3. Pickering! Forgot about them. Here's a classic that's still available: Koss Pro 4AA
  4. IEMs? Really? This must be one of them multi-driver jobs.
  5. Don't tell me that name tag says "Kevin Gilmore!"
  6. I like these old school wireless cans:
  7. Happy Birthday Deepak!
  8. Fostex T50RP
  9. A gem. So's this: Midget porn star commits suicide by badger. http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2011/09/gordon-ramsay-dwarf-porn-double-found-dead-badger-set
  10. II'd like to add then:
  11. Won't be there, but love y'all. Hoist one for me!
  12. Still on the road, but thanks for your thoughts on this. I'll look at it closely when I get home early next week. Thanks mang!
  13. Alrighty then, as soon as I get back I'll take some measurements with a longer window. See ya!!!
  14. Hi guys! Just wanted to tell you that I've decided I need to get some helmet time, so I'm off on my motorbike for a week! Wooot! I'll be back Sept 12. My wife will be here to receive boxes, so don't worry about that. Thanks for all the help on this stuff!
  15. Hm. So it looks like the current spreadsheets have reasonably good data, or at least data thats as good as I can get it. I could take data over a longer period of time if that would help by setting the sweep to say 5 or 10 mSec, but there's not much going on out there signalwize. Would that be helpful to look at?
  16. Have you had a chance to look at the data with higher resolution I made? I'm wondering if the setting are really doing something in terms of resolution.
  17. I just want to say that my boss is totally down with what I'm doing, and down with the arraingements as is: you get it to me, I'll get it back to you in the US. So thanks for the thought, and if anything we should collect for your cluster fuck, but Im good with working together to get these cans measured and paying return shipping.
  18. Shit man, all that stuff and you still managed to even think about this project? Thanks! I'm very much looking forward to testing everything, and will take good care of your baby.
  19. So I did another test with the longer MLS word (128K) and the next highest sampling rate: Speadsheet with data for this test is here. THis shit is pretty complicated, so I figure you might need to look at the manual . Chapter 13 is about MLS and the impulse response etc. Alrighty, I'm listening for what to do next.
  20. Okie dokie, here's what my screen looks like when I do the Impulse Response test: The analog generator is outputting the Maximum Length Sequence (MLS). It's using a 32kByte long sequence. It's using a output sample rate DAC of 65536. The digital analyzer is using the "Quasi anechoic" mode, which is used with the MLS signal. The ADC is set here to match the analog generator at 65536. The picture shows 2 averages, but normally I do 16. A raw .xls file for data from the above test is here. Here are a variety of pix showing the options available on the various menues: Output DAC sample rate settings: The various type of digital analyzer modes available --- Quasianechoic is used typically for MLS: Input sampling rate settings on analyzer: Analizer Domain setting: Energy/time window settings: Data display method: I tried using the longer MLS
  21. I'll give you an executive summary, Al: Wooooot! We're having some fun now. I screwed up on the day to call Arnaud, but I'm going to look at my settings after I finish a post I'm working on. I think I'm beginning to get what you guys are talking about. I'll see if I can take some screenshots of the panel in which I can make the various settings. It won't be hard to change them from now on ... it'll be pretty much impossible to go back and remeasure all the cans, but I certainly might go back and do some of the important ones again. Fortunately, even the stuff you guys are potting with current data is usable, it seems to me. Not ideal, but usable. Anyway, I'll post back later today.
  22. And finally, bringing WTF to a new level .....
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