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Tyll Hertsens

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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. Wha! How come he didn't arainge the needles smallest to largest. Pussy.
  2. Thanks, JP!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrIp3k5pJQM&feature=player_embedded
  4. Have a good one, mang!
  5. How many sources have talked to him?
  6. From what I can tell, this is not true. Not defending him, just my observation.
  7. Yes. I tried both sets I could find at HeadRoom. They both had failures that prevented me from using the data. Again, the Apples were nearly identical.
  8. I'm almost done with a contrary point of view article to Guttenbergs recent slamming of the stock iPod ear-bud. I got curious, so did a bunch of measurements of a variety of current ear-buds. The stock iPod ear-bud easily bested every other bud but the best Sennheiser. They're ear-buds, so thay still basically sound pretty bad, but they were a very. good. ear-bud. I had two samples from recent purchases, and they measured virtually identical. I've talked to one of their lead engineers before, and was impressed by what they were doing. Those guys were passionate, and spending MO-NAY making the very best throw-away headphone in the world. That doesn't happen when visionless MBAs run a company. Great job, Steve! Rest in Peace.
  9. If you find a good one, you can pump some hunidity my way.
  10. You suck. I retweeted Smeggy's mention on gizmodo. Steve Guttenberg retweeted me. Orders are a pain in the ass ... in the best sort of way.
  11. Using it with your iPod?
  12. I think that may be the bump at about 50Hz I measured in the FR of the 009 and 007.
  13. Thursday night sounds groovy to me. I'll be watching for more info. *hic*
  14. ^^^ Nice! Your artistic talent may be a bit lacking, but the sentiment is spot on. Frankly, I'm glad to see the headphone thing at RMAF working ... regardless of the history. It's good for the hobby.
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