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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
  2. Woot!
  3. Happy Happy Birfday!
  4. Happy Birthday, mate. Have a great day!
  5. ^^^ Ha! Just came here to post that. A brother from another mother.
  6. Posted in Slower Forum, but reckon it belongs here.
  7. Indeed, Happy Birthday!!!
  8. Yup ... except the target response is at the eardrum in my case. I'll also mention again that the HRTF I use is not idea, just the best I have. The big point is being able to compare measurements ... which means always using the same curve.
  9. I'll have to write an article about it.
  10. Have a great Juan! (he he)
  11. Happy Birfday!!! Woot!
  12. No, don't think so. The curve is what flat is to the ear drum, how to get the sound there is the manufacturers problem. They have to make the compensation, not the measurement.
  13. Magic Carpet?
  14. The Q701 is still a legit headphone, IMHO. A tad bass shy for sure, bt once well broken in (HA!) sounds quite good.
  15. Sounded bright and tizzy to me. Here's the measurements: http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/BeyerdynamicT70250Ohm.pdf I'll pick some up from HeadRoom and listen again, though.
  16. Very cool Old Spice commercial. http://www.youtube.c...d&v=ytx2jU2MyWg edit: Oh why, oh why do these not embed sometimes.
  17. Wow. Cool, that guys really doing a great job. It's a huge amount of work to ride and post. This guy is amazing, too. Round the world on a chopper he built. He's a stud. http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=462017
  18. ^^Dream on. They suck.
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