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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. Well fuck ... I know it's probably SPAM and all, but I'm particularly proud of this piece. I thought you guys would get a kick out of it, and more than any other group of people I hope it please you all. And more than any other group I'd love to hear what you think about it. "Celebrity Headphone Deathmatch"
  2. Well if he does I'll call him on it because he's clearly stated that he wasn't going to do that.
  3. I took that to mean he would be focussing his analytical critiqueing shit on commercial amps.
  4. Can someone pont me to where he talks about this as a commercial venture?
  5. Postwhore!
  6. Hey look, it's Bambi! (Or something like that.)
  7. Playing him now. Thanks for the impetus, Ric. RIP Paul.
  8. No doubt a repost of this classic.
  9. She's a ...
  10. The P5 isn't about good sound. It's about cigars and driving shoes.
  11. Keep your head down, Wayne is working on the naughty list.
  12. I'm thinking you should go visit a waterfall for your b-day. Happy Birthday!!
  13. That Knucks ... he's so high brow. Gotta bring it down a notch. Okay, this is cute.
  14. Wut?
  15. +1 Happy Birfday you old coot!
  16. It's like a cleavage kaleidoscope.
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