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Everything posted by ktm

  1. ktm


    My lightly used (if at all) Luminox Scott Cassel
  2. Ok, I've played with vintage stuff for years, so I should of done this 1st. Clean 30+ years of crud out of the switch, clean out the socket connections, I also cut back the wires to fresh copper and crimped on copper pins. Bass is there now. But the srd-4 still has the warmer sound. I didn't have 27 ohm wirewounds, so I doubled-up 68 ohm 3 watt for 34 ohms. Now both boxes pretty much sound the same. That was the only real difference, and with them in place on the srd-6 it changed the sound. The 4 is still just a bit warmer, but I prefer it this way. If I change my mind, I'll go find the proper 27 Ohm ones. In a pinch I could use the 6 with the 202's as well.
  3. I really am going to have to build a decent energizer. I built an exstata hybrid, which is ok, but with all the great designs out there it's about time to move up a couple of levels. The sr-80 and srd-4 should hold me over for a while. I think I'll gut out parts from the exstata and drop in some new boards.
  4. I don't see anything obvious. Thermistors appear ok, but that's pretty hard to really check. I'm going to have to unsolder them There's two on each channel in parallel. The rest of it looks ok. There are some differences in how they are built. The srd4 has larger, single thermistors on the input. it also has 5 watt 27 ohm resistors in parallel with the transformers. The srd6 has a spot on the board for them, but doesn't have them installed. This is the big difference (other than bias tapped off one channel). I could see where this might change the sound signature. Guess I just need to accept the fact they have a different sound.
  5. I'll have to pop the top on the srd-6 I'm sure there's not too much in there to go bad. The sr-80 is a bit lighter in bass than the sr-40. But the lack of side to side movement on the wire arc of the sr-40 makes it hard for me to wear. The sr-80 fits much better. At some point I'm going to have to build a new amp for the sr-202's.
  6. I just bought a sr-80 and srd-6 to use with my second system. It sounded pretty good, no balance issues. But some bass stuff was not up to par.. I thought it was just the nature of the sr-80's. On a whim I hooked it up through a srd-4 I had sitting around. There's the missing bass. The cutoff point was lower. The overall sound was warmer as well. Are the two boxes that much different, or is there an issue I need to check for?
  7. ktm


    New Seiko daily driver.
  8. ktm

    KEF LS50s or ?

    Same here. 3.1 gets it done. More speakers don't seem to make the movies any better.
  9. Looks like Razordog's trick of holding list price but offering $100 off at checkout pissed off Sennheiser, they no longer carry Senn's. I guess I haven't been paying much attention to the market.
  10. Interesting. For a while Sennheiser had everyone holding the line on 600's and 650's for price. Looks like that's changed.
  11. Gee just what we need. Apple killing off standard audio interfaces and replacing them with their own. Bad enough they are messing with the studio recording process.
  12. Windows background processes take over and cause 100% cpu or disk usage. Then the playback gets flakey. Tuning things is harder in 8/8.1. There most likely is a fix, I just haven't found it yet. And Metro sucks. But from a baseline perspective, foobar runs just fine . I tried to do a downgrade to 7 (which is supposed to be supported and free). But support told me I had to buy a support contract in order for them to give me a downgrade keycode, which cost more than a copy of win 7. I've got a Lenovo laptop on Vista that runs with no issues at all. Normal round of tweaks worked great on it.
  13. It's a combo of design, experience, trial and error. And more often than not, $$$ comes into play. You have to cut some corners to keep the cost down. Bean counting has killed good audio more than anything else I can think of. And no, I don't think all amps sound the same. That whole chain of thought drives me crazy (not that I'm not crazy).
  14. You're going to have to pull apart the power supply to see what you need. Most likely, the switch is held in place with plastic tabs you will have to compress, and it will pop right out. That isn't a big issue. Radio shack may still carry one that works. OR you could scab one out of a broken computer power supply.(thrift shop!). The big issue is that XP is dead. At the beginning of the year I tried reloading a couple of XP machines. Nothing but headaches. At that time, updates weren't working. I had to spend hours researching why. Seems MS knew it was broken, but why worry about a soon to be dead OS? Who knows if you could get it updated or activated. I have a couple of XP beaters here, and all they do is nag me about upgrading. I use a Antec quiet case with my music PC. Works fairly well. A couple year old laptop in a docking station works well too, and it's quiet. Whatever you do, avoid windows 8 like the plague. I just can't seem to get it to behave with Foobar. XP was easy, win 7 ok. But 8 just is such a pita.
  15. I did a 4 post flexi with 5/8" rod and 2'x2' shelves. I'ts about 4-1/2' high. I beveled the rods using a grinder to make points. I measured up and started with a double nut. To space between shelves(and make all 4 corners even) I cut off 4 pieces of pvc tubing. The pvc was painted, and I loosely wrapped electrical tape around the threads to make it tight and prevent rattles. Fender washer, rubber pad I cut up to match washer, shelf, another rubber pad, nut, pvc pipe, nut, washer, rubber pad, shelf. I used a nylon insert nut for the top. the rod was cut off even with the nut top. All the nuts/washers were painted black before assembly. I cut a hole in all for corners of all shelves at the same time to make them even, and stained them before assembly. The whole thing is sturdy enough to be moved without taking it apart. A bit heavy but it works. The PVC also serves to prevent scraping knuckles or gear against the threads.
  16. ktm

    Steven Seagal: Lawman

    I though only stars from Predator could run for governor.
  17. The real question- how many will have Bushmills spelled wrong?
  18. Really? Ever look at some NAD gear of the past? There are a lot of crappy solder jobs out there. With all the far east hack shops, it's all too common. But in premium priced gear, you'd expect a lot better than this.
  19. Bring your hooks and hitch a ride.
  20. So, a happy ending? Or agony?
  21. Given that a US headphone maker labeled some cans Head-F1, likely not.
  22. ktm


    Nice. How do rate the deep bule watches? I've been thinking about a sea diver 1000 for a while now.
  23. ktm

    Amish Mafia

    Haiku -The essence of haiku is "cutting" (kiru).This is often represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideasand a kireji ("cutting word") between them, a kind of verbal punctuation mark which signals the moment of separation and colours the manner in which the juxtaposed elements are related. A couple posts here and I've already leaned new word! If I wasn't married, I most likely wouldn't have a tv.
  24. ktm

    Amish Mafia

    Well, there's always "too cute" corney, but fun. Who doesn't like kittens and puppies?
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