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Everything posted by derekbmn

  1. Happy Birthday !!!
  2. I have sat down numerous times and tried to put my thoughts down in writing in regards to these two phones, but soon fail as I tend to forget analyzing and end up just listening and enjoying the music. That in itself probably says something. (to me atleast) In the end they are both absolutley amazing headphones, with both also having the uncanny ability to disappear and leave nothing else. Great thread too !
  3. It's generally said that "groove echo" will be exactly 1 revolution and/or 1.8 seconds ahead of the groove to be read, and anything else can be attributed to "print-through". In my experience, stylus profile does seem to have a bit of effect on how easily it is picked up, with the more exteme profiles (micro ridge, micro line, etc) actually being the worst offenders. Overall it's not something that bothers me much.
  4. Yes all the time.....most of them are not mine.....
  5. Happy Birthday !!! .....Are you baking yourself a special cake this year ? We demand pics of it if so...
  6. Don't forget this Woo Audio 2 High End Headphone / Pre Amplifier. A bit different tube compliment. (although the same output tubes)
  7. Anyone spend some time with Frank Cooters E-Stat amp ?
  8. Anyone get a listen to the new Woo stat amp yet ?
  9. No...nor would I. Spritzer said it best.
  10. I like this part -"This is so that even if the worse happens and the oil leaks, and I get it on my hands, I can massaged it into my skin for a healthier looking skin." yeah that what he's doing...
  11. I think you may quickly change your mind when it comes to different ICs and the O2s. They can literally make or break an O2 setup. The difference is pretty astounding between cables that works well with them, and ones that don't. (it's not subtle) A few things to look for in an O2 cable- A) Small awg pure silver wire.(think 30 to 32awg) The use of dielectrics that have a low dielectric constant.(cotton, kynar) no Teflon !!! C) RCA plugs that have small contact point(s) for the return line. On the cheap these are a no brainer. DIY Silver Interconnects
  12. It needs to be clarified if you guys are using Rustoleum or Krylon. They both seem to be a bit different in how they react with the previous layers to get the hammered look right, and how much needs to be applied per coat. The Rustoleum stuff does seem to take forever to dry. (and I don't much care for it) I have had better luck with Krylon by far.
  13. I've found the Hammer-Tone stuff is generally pretty forgiving, BUT I would avoid getting carried away with heavy coats. Take your time and let it flash off a bit before the next coats are applied. This is what has worked best for me. You'll be fine.
  14. Hmmm interesting ...price isn't bad at all Woo Audio 22 Fully Balanced Headphone Tube Amplifier
  15. It happens to be listed on E-bay - Custom Stereo Single-ended 300B Tube Amplifier - eBay (item 160333744502 end time May-17-09 19:12:37 PDT)
  16. Very Nice !! Received this message from Jack a little while ago. Greeting from Woo Audio: We are excited to release the prototype of a new electrostatic headphone amplifier. This unit will drive all 5-pin pro-biased electrostatic headphones, and Orpheus HE-90. Click or copy the following link to open: http://www.wooaudio.com/products/wes.html While we are finalizing the design, we would like to hear your suggestion to name this beautiful amplifier. Feel free to forward or distribute this message. Any comments or suggestion are greatly appreciated. Best regards, Jack
  17. Yeah.... that's a bit high. Give it some time and i'm positive some will pop up on Ebay. I'll keep an eye out for you.
  18. I have always understood it to be nothing more than a notch filter. Most that have had it done to theirs seem to prefer it without. My pair had it done before I bought them, so I can't comment on any before and after changes. I do know that I would like to get a pair with them in and preferably an earlier serial #.
  19. Nice work and photos! Have you thought about eliminating the PCB and run them without it?
  20. You are on the right track. You may want to call Madisound and see if they have a retrofit for that particular Vifa tweeter. I know that some of the new production Seas are a pretty easy fit.(and possibly a upgrade) Ebay is also a good bet. Searching "Vifa" or "Vifa tweeter" usually yields the most results. I was in the same situation as you when searching for a tweeter replacement for my old Stratus Minis, which also utilized a "Classic Line" Vifa tweeter. Some quickly popped up and for a pretty decent Buy it Now price.
  21. Ahem....prices have been posted. Even worse than I thought.
  22. derekbmn

    slow forum

  23. Looks like an idea that never got off the ground in that form, but from description it sounds like a K340. Very interesting.
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