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Everything posted by edisonwu

  1. LD MkIV seems to be compatible with 5687, FYI, if you read chinese: http://erji.net/read.php?tid=468264 You have a little option on 6H30. The best even made is probably 6H30P-DR which you can still find here: http://thetubestore.com/russian6h30pdr.html
  2. For an amp sold for 7XXUSD, you don't expect the output transformer too much. May be they would offer an upgrade option.
  3. No clew, looks not too bad. more pictures should be coming up. October 07 - Trafomatic Experience Head One: 2 line inputs, 2 line outputs (pre and sub); 3 switchable headphone settings at 30, 100 and 300 ohms; two double triode 6S45P and 1 x EZ80 rectifier; plus a dual C-core output transformer add up to $720 retail for the newest entry in this Serbian transformer maker's home audio electronics line. Coming up next are a transformer-coupled line stage preamplifier and a pair of 300B monoblocks.
  4. By the way, I have all the very best versions of TFK ecc802s and 12au7, and most of the very best Mullard U7. Amperex 7316 is truely competitive.
  5. Yes, they are great, linear and detail. I have different versions of them. I use many U7s on my cat SL1 signature including the best of the best (TFK ECC802s, GL B749, Mullard U7...), Amperex 7316 (BB, D getter and G clef version) is one of the most impressive. However different tubes on different amps tend to perform very differently.
  6. but O2 price is how many times than the HD650
  7. You may just make it a little different from the US version and then set the price higher in Japan. Name it a little bit different as well but don't confuse people by the name. Japanese accept HA5000 even it sells around 1000USD there. It would be quite normal for them even if GSX has a market price over 2000USD.
  8. I can't see it... has the pic been removed...
  9. What exactly is the Mapletree Limited Ed Amp ? I didnt find it in their website.
  10. If you mean the gold plated letters, yes I did
  11. <Exclusive Edition>
  12. it also provides EMP a super clean power, since it supplys by battery.
  13. hey, tiberian, I got my first LB from sound pure and the second one from lavryengineering. The lavry's did not come with the poster of Oyaide digital cable, A Oyaide tunami GPC powercord did.
  14. here are some pictures i took few weeks ago, larger pics as request..
  15. If there is, I am so expecting... For me, I prefer AD and L series sounding to W. That was a great move to that new generation of AT can, AD series. I like the sound. anyways, i was told W series before W100 was not sounding like the current W series. The old one is different and better(?).
  16. i think the 45th anniversary will end up with something like AD3000 or AD2002
  17. The lavry headphone out handles AT cans very well. in terms of any technical issues regarding to the lavry, you may probably the best go to lavry's forum, he is the one guy who can give you satisfying answer.
  18. hummm, this quite makes sense,
  19. oh, yeah, I haven't try balanced XLRs, so I cant tell how good it is for 650.
  20. a little own opinion, The headphone out is very good for 650. I just meant that 650 could go much further than that by external driving, compared with low-z headphone such as A900 or AD2000 (the headphone out is EXCELLENT paired either A900 or AD2000). If you need an all-in-one solution and you can get away from SENNHEISER (I cant, I am a senn guy), buy the one which you would get more than "good" or something like that from the internal driving.
  21. If he want 650, he'd be better off going with external amp.
  22. L. Black + A900 or AD2000
  23. Yeah, if you can do it yourself, then do it yourself. Friend of mine made one unbalanced 600 cable for me. It sounds pretty good on the tube amp. I am not going to tell you the cost, since you wont believe it.
  24. would you consider Equinox cable? I fould myself love it so much.
  25. hummm, RA-1 is good for the size and price for RS-1.
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