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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Sadly that's only 600º hotter than the parking lot here. Hard to use the black, pleather steering wheel driving home. Also remind me to use a car with air conditioning next time buying vinyl. Good seeing everyone, but at the rate this show is shrinking, I fear how much longer it has.
  2. The InnerFidelity/HDTracks sale...
  3. Could be an interesting at noon.
  4. In case anyone is interested... Folksongs of Another America: Field Recordings from the Upper Midwest, 1937-46 http://boomkat.com/books/1314956-various-folksongs-of-another-america-field-recordings-from-the-upper-midwest-1937-46
  5. I'll be there Saturday, though will be starting earlier. Admire those who still have lazy weekend mornings. Will be around a while though Steve and gang. Adam not yet sure on breakfast, but will let you know once family plans are worked out. Menu sure looks good.
  6. Conclusion made the season better, as opposed to the final episode of the first.
  7. Just a reminder it's this weekend.
  8. RIP Gifford.
  9. blessingx


    Humanity Still Producing New Art As Though Megadeth’s ‘Rust In Peace’ Doesn’t Already Exist
  10. blessingx


    Turntables for $38. https://meh.com/
  11. Thanks for all your work Todd. Is there a URL structure (or protocol, etc.) needed to embed video?
  12. In the spirit of Lenin!
  13. blessingx


    Very curious. Report back. Jealous.
  14. blessingx


    Lytro Illum for $799, $500 off. Cheapest I've seen by far. Man, I came close, but below vid shows some of problems of first gen remain.
  15. Another link for Dusty and other Wet Hot viewers: http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/192063/wet-hot-american-jewish-summer-camp
  16. Blueberry Girl by Neil Gaiman
  17. Alhambra Love Songs IOA The Dreamers (1) ... are easy, accessible wins.
  18. The other five episodes.
  19. The Band: Capitol Albums 1968-1977 [8 LP Box Set] over at PopMarket
  20. Couldn't sleep so grabbed a chair on the Tahoe shore and should have enjoyed the view, but instead watched three episodes of Wet Hot on the cell. Beautiful.
  21. Fun read: http://www.vulture.com/2015/07/wet-hot-american-summer-undefinable-brand-of-smart-stupidity.html
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