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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Come On Up To The House: Women Sing Waits
  2. The Tesla likely performs though.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/nov/24/leonard-cohen-adam-thanks-for-the-dance-interview?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. RIP Michael J. Pollard
  5. Hope it’s a great one JP!
  6. Winners of the 2019 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
  7. https://huffparanormal.com/ https://www.theghosthunterstore.com/product-p/portal.htm
  8. I hesitate to post a Steve "Ghostbuster" Huff's review, but there's next to no coverage of the non-Foveon Sigma fp camera mentioned a page back. For those interested...
  9. blessingx


    Lube Man!
  10. Now they’ve had their best year since 2004. Magnetic ribbon format once the preserve of police interviews is in short supply The cassette tape will be back on Christmas lists this year as high-profile artists ranging from Coldplay to Robbie Williams and Liam Payne release albums
  11. Qobuz drops MP3 tier and moves to one price model
  12. After not seeing Frontline for a few years, then being reminded of its quality with Fire, watched the recent Zero Tolerance episode last night.
  13. Just streamed the Frontline episode. Chilling is right.
  14. blessingx


    Agree episode three seems to be hitting the series stride, taking both a nearly singular POV and expanding the world and tying it together. It was the most fun episode so far, but have to also admit, it also makes me slightly nervous shifting to super-stuff. We’ll see. Also thanks for the podcast alert.
  15. ^ Going to stream. Anyone watch The Mill (a few years old BBC series streaming on Prime)? Any good? Sat down with Melissa and Esmé to watch after reading a review that said it was “great for the family”, but we have a rule that if in the first two minutes of a series a girl is raped, but then that rape is interrupted by a boy getting his arm mangled in machinery, we hit pause and reconsider. So we’re just under three minutes in at this point. Feedback appreciated.
  16. Can you use it as a laptop DAC/amp?
  17. Did they confirm your medium fit?
  18. A new selection of Magnum 6x6 prints are for sale for the next few days if anyone is interested.
  19. Robert Evans, crazy producer, dies
  20. This morning. School air quality emails coming in. Should be a colorful sunset tonight.
  21. Not remotely in the same ballpark, but the smoke just hit down here an hour ago. Hours away from the fire, but if like two years ago schools will be impacted tomorrow.
  22. On the road: Dennis Hopper's 1960s photography Dennis Hopper's revealing 1960s photographs – in pictures
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