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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Okay, consider this a recommendation coming from very low expectations, and I know they've been around awhile, but picked up one of those GE LED+ BR30 bulbs (battery backup, multi-color, or Bluetooth speaker extra "addition") with the speaker option and it isn't half bad. The surrounding can rattles a little with bass, and should be considered, but not the bulb's fault. I mean again have proper expectations (think of the same mono driver in a similar sized, cheap desktop speaker), but it's kinda cool if you have a use case. Anyone else using?
  2. blessingx


    Sonny Rollins on jazz landmark The Bridge at 60 https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/jan/21/i-was-so-close-to-the-sky-it-was-spiritual-sonny-rollins-on-jazz-landmark-the-bridge-at-60
  3. RIP Steve Schapiro, photographer & photojournalist https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2022/jan/18/ali-to-andy-warhol-steve-schapiros-life-in-photography-in-pictures https://petapixel.com/2022/01/19/iconic-american-photojournalist-steve-schapiro-dies-at-87/
  4. Is this where Bradley Cooper gets his technique?
  5. Glad it was a good birthday and smart move going inland. Mel and Esmé went to Capitola after the clear and the beach was closed due to debris everywhere.
  6. Hope it’s a grand one.
  7. Sounds like the picked the right name for global warming caused "Arctic Zombie Fires".
  8. Seems the Spotify hifi tier timing is still unknown (missed earlier stated EOY). https://community.spotify.com/t5/Live-Ideas/All-Platforms-Music-HiFi-Quality-Lossless-Streaming-16bit-44/idc-p/5324421#M238504
  9. I'm not seeing any snow angels in these photos.
  10. Okay, not a new idea, but Noveto is at CES this year, so perhaps closer to a real product. https://noveto.com
  11. RIP Peter Bogdanovich https://decider.com/2022/01/06/peter-bogdanovich-obit/amp/ https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2022-01-06/peter-bogdanovich-career-best-movies
  12. Started Station Eleven last night, but this morning Alex Steffen on discontinuity and the planetary crisis. https://alexsteffen.substack.com/p/discontinuity-is-the-job https://alexsteffen.substack.com/p/were-not-yet-ready-for-whats-already Learning fun new words like “transapocalyptic”.
  13. Congrats. Watching Mindless Consumerism thread.
  14. I’m trying to approach 2022 less seriously, so starting the year with Wings. I mean Wing.
  15. I don't know which of these 2022 will be, but here's hoping for the second.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/p/CYKPISklDF7/?utm_medium=copy_link
  17. Or if your 2021 was similar to 2020...
  18. 💽 MiniDiscs are the future
  19. Best 2021 photos https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2021/dec/27/the-best-photographs-of-2021-and-the-stories-behind-them
  20. Avedon, 2000
  21. Thanks everyone. Gifts (new Marin bike for Esmé) and holiday music at home and now jumping on the road to go to Mel’s parents. Birthday cake, apple pie, cheesecake, and who knows what else awaits (besides sugar crash). Hope anyone is having a wonderful Xmas.
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