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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. blessingx


    Where's "other"?
  2. I've never heard of "bug ugly." Interesting, the different slang goin' around. Someone over at that other headphone site once claimed fugly meant "fat & ugly." Anyway, should people being losing sleep over the winner/loser- the results are in [pdf-press release].
  3. I guess it's what you'd expect from an organization with that name, but these videos are a blast.
  4. In case you guys missed it, here's an interesting interview/breakdown of the case. Video is priceless.
  5. Jahn, I loved the TubeDAC+ for as long as I had it (and still think it's a strong value), but there's really no comparison. Since the Nixons can be regularly picked up used for half the price of Lavry, it's impossible to state which is the better price performer, but on sound quality the difference is strong enough and on every level (detail, clean highs, balance, tight bass, etc.) that a detailed review isn't really necessary. I sold the TubeDAC+ soon after (and to finance) receiving the Lavry so doing one know would be fuzzy memory anyway.
  6. If you ever wondered how those Nigerian email scams go down read this [New Yorker]
  7. Oh Lordi. "In Finland, we have no Eiffel Tower, few real famous artists, it is freezing cold and we suffer from low self-esteem," said Mr. Putaansuu, who, as Lordi, has horns protruding from his forehead and sports long black fingernails.
  8. I'm not sure this is true. Many fiscal conservatives have a major problem with the current administration. How is this possible? I've never understood this, since the Whigs collapsed, the two current major parties have a long history to go by. Although there's been some changing over the years (on "states rights" they flip-flopped if you go back to the Civil War), from at the very least FDR and the New Deal on, the parties have been not very inconsistent (the Dixiecrats may be an exception). And you don't rise to power without pleasing the party (most obvious recent example is John McCains ugly transformation into a Bush apologist). About the only thing I liked about the Reagan administration is I thought I got the worst president of my lifetime out of the way early. Was I wrong. Another question that may be asked is if the Democrats continue their recent aimless pussyfooting, who will abandon them and vote Green, etc. next election hoping to create a party with a backbone?
  9. No one's mentioned They Built This City by Starship?
  10. It has to be something by The Captain & Tenille or Tony Orlando & Dawn.
  11. ... you may find the article The Bjork-Barney Enigma Machine [NYTimes] interesting.
  12. It may not bother everyone, but the compression on the pads are visual. And keep in my the deep woodies have a lot more wood than the normal woodies (which I believe you have), thus more weight. This is no criticism of Larrys/Headphiles work as a whole. I had him deep wood/C-pad my HF-1 the same time and very happy with them (finally a Grado with a soundstage).
  13. Which ones have you heard with it?
  14. The reflection off the back of them really stretches out the horizontal (but not vertical or deep) soundstage. This is the biggest effect the deeps have on the Senn sound. The tighening up both ends of the spectrum is there, though much more minor (for HD650, I suspect from others comments there are greater effects on the HD580/HD600). They decrease the Senns "airy" nature a bit (bad) while being more focused (good). I'd recommend them for the soundstage or the looks (which once you get use to the goofiness of the size ... is quite beautiful - these hold there own with the CD3K/R10/etc.). They have one big disadvantage though and it's why I just sold them this weekend - their weight compresses the pads significantly and it can be uncomfortable for longish listens. If one of the reasons you pick the Senns in the first place is their non-fatiguing nature, this can be an issue. It ended up being one I couldn't quite get over.
  15. Kinda interesting New Yorker article here.
  16. BTW, anyone know where I can get episodes 1-6 of the first season of The Ricky Gervais Show?
  17. If the NX-01 is any indication, there are serious price/performance advantages to his amps. Will be curious to hear more about this.
  18. KCRW's Film Reviews NBC Meet the Press Slate Magazine Sparkletack San Francisco The Al Franken Show and of course, The Ricky Gervais Show Use to listen to The Dawn & Drew Show which can be fun for awhile.
  19. Just got my Lavry ten minutes ago. Quick question for those with one: does the LED volume panel move when you increase or decrease the volume? As if it's not anchored down? Also I find it difficult to adjust the volume by a single digital as it jumps by two. This is more common up so I have to go up then back down. PFKMan23, is this the problem you had? Was it completely fixed? BTW, I just compared it directly against the TubeDAC+. Wowee Zowee.
  20. See this article [NYTimes] for information on early 'pop' music. Much is available from UCSB. FOR a couple of months now my iPod has been stuck on Stella Mayhew's "I'm Looking for Something to Eat." It's a lurching little waltz-time pop tune, drawled over brass-band accompaniment. The lyric is hilarious, the lament of a gal on a diet who can't stop eating, and it climaxes with a glutton's soul cry: "I want some radishes and olives, speckled trout and cantaloupe and cauliflower/ Some mutton broth and deviled crabs and clams and Irish stew." I can't get it out of my head ? so far, it's my favorite record of 2006. As it happens, it's also my favorite record of 1909. It is an Edison Phonograph Company wax cylinder, recorded 97 years ago by Mayhew, a vaudeville star who liked to poke fun at her considerable girth. In certain ways, the song is up to date: the satire on dieting is plenty relevant in the early 21st century, and Mayhew's slurred talk-singing is a bracingly modern sound. But the noisy, weather-beaten recording is unmistakably a product of the acoustic era ? the period from about 1890 to the mid-1920's, before the advent of electric recording ? when musicians cut records while crammed cheek-by-jowl-by-trombone around phonograph horns in rackety little studios...
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