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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Yes, it's slightly more plasticy than the old Model Ms, but that's only in comparison, and it definitely has the feel/good resistance and is very tough. I expect it to last a decade. In fact if you want a little closer to the old Model M, their Customizer is the equivalent (same as SpaceSaver but larger in size). They bought the rights from IBM, so this is the closest you're going to get to currently produced keyboards. If you note you're a Mac user when buying they even supply extra keys for you to pop off and replace the Windows keys. I love mine and would recommend to anyone. Just expect lots of noise.
  2. I think the Microsoft 4000 is an excellent keyboard for the price. Often on sale for $30. Personally though I've recently moved to an Unicomp Spacesaver buckling-spring keyboard and become a hugh fan, though it's not ergonomic (though keys have some benefits). There's also the Vertical Keyboard worth considering. I can't take most trackballs, but the Expert Mouse I can use for hours. I really think a trackball needs to be large to be effective. I also use the Vertical Mouse when using a traditional mouse (about 75% of the time). A lot of people at Google use one and when I was there I got addicted. A little more difficult to be exact because of hand position (not mouse read) though.
  3. Well, they've missed another deadline, but I've been assured today they should have all pre-order, non-custom transformer orders out by Friday. I asked if they were confident of this date and he said 'yes'. Mapstec hopefully you'll be notified of shipment in the next two days.
  4. Okay, second link of the day: M4w4iPhone: Man seeks woman who seeks iPhone on Craigslist
  5. Fun link I came across today: Why the Apple phone will fail, and fail badly | The Register
  6. Excuse my unfamiliarity with Bluetooth, but is 'CD-like transfer of music' basic marketing-speak or is there some Bluetooth technical limitation (bandwidth, etc.) that requires that lossy compression/sat radio-ish term? I see Cankin's link lists 'MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AAC, and ATRAC, and is extensible to support manufacturer-defined codecs.' I'm guessing because of Bluetooths earlier intended uses with cells, etc. means uncompressed audio is probably out for laptops users, etc.?
  7. Improved without 3G obviously.
  8. Last I heard is that there was a slight variation in aesthetics between the final approved rear plate and the productions (which fortunately is just from a foundry down the street - they said they're trying to keep much of the production in the US) and they "wanted it to look perfect." That created another slight delay, but that they started shipping Wednesday and are sending out batches each day. That they were sorry for the delays, but plan to work through the weekend to catchup on all pre-orders by early next week. I've been checking daily and haven't received notice on mine shipping. I don't know how far down the line I am. I'm being patient, and that now $70 difference between ordering price and current will keep me so for a bit longer. My fear is that with some possible gear changes I'm expecting I may need an optical input which would put a kink in this purchase, but I want to hear the magiDAC first. I did notice the description in some places now lists this as magiDAC v1. They mentioned earlier an updated version was planned though it would likely increase a decent amount in price. And it's probably important to remember this place ships a decent amount of gear members of sites like HF have received so the 'if' wondering is likely unnecessary.
  9. Couple cool music related apps showing in the new Apps Store (iTunes links): Remote Pandora Eventful Pianist Tuner Karajan
  10. Great shots. I actually love images with the exposure slightly off.
  11. What happened to the D6000s?
  12. Well, I IMed them today to get an update since a shipping notice wasn't sent on Thursday as expected. They said the corrected faceplates were received Monday and they were assembling the cases today and sending orders out tomorrow and next day. On the plus side since the full-price has gone up higher than originally listed, the intro sale is even a better deal and in the end even though a few deadlines passed, combined not much time has actually passed (not counting weekends or holiday). Hopefully we'll have them soon.
  13. In case you guys weren't aware...http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/07/arts/television/07arts-THECOSTELLOS_BRF.html. Looks like it could be interesting.
  14. Hmmm... I use it daily as my primary IM 'client', but that's mostly on the laptop. Probably only used it half a dozen times on the touch. Have others had this experience?
  15. My very limited experience with the Denons have not been positive so far. They're not for everyone, but I'd consider the Ultrasone 780s. They're decent with the iPod at max, but you would do better with an amp. Another easier to drive phone would be the AT A900. And I'd go closed with a roommate even if they didn't complain. Just seems common courtesy.
  16. From the other side: Demetri of "Douchiest Phone Message Ever" Orders a Pizza from FOD Team and Jessica St Clair
  17. Interesting short Salon review... In search of the holy grand.
  18. Yeah we had several people hear the prototype at the NorCal meet last weekend, and most seemed impressed (especially with the price). With the time consuming nature of the meet and leaving town immediately after, not to mention two of the three inputs missing on the prototype which made it a little difficult with most of my gear on hand, I was unable to do serious listening with it before it went back. It's certainly a smooth, pleasant sound that beats its price-point. I want to run it through the tests though on staging and detail before commenting further. Soon. Looking forward to production units arriving (in the end I ordered two). I guess the earlier mentioned faceplate issues delayed a little longer than expected, but like mapstec I was told they'll be shipping tomorrow. I also seen the normal price has now increased $15, but that's not bad ... and makes the earlier discount $70 off. There's also a little dialog on it over at AV123.
  19. Since this was mentioned recently in another thread, I thought I'd post this sale I just came across. Seems a good deal for those looking for storage. Thermaltake BlacX USB Docking Station - dealmac.com
  20. Yeah, that first 5 is awful close to the $ on a keyboard. I wrote him about half an hour ago too (just out of curiosity). We'll see what he says. $750 isn't bad though for a good condition set though. The only set I've seen lately in the $500 range (on eBay) was really beaten up.
  21. There's a srm-1/mk2 pro and lambda pro set over at Audiogon for only $5750.
  22. Hopefully it will be so (or with any web interface). Kinda like the iPeng plugin to control Squeezeboxes with the iPhone/touch.
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