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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. In case this hasn't popped up already, SoundMeter looks to be a useful app. Not so sure about iLighter.
  2. That's what I figured. And no way to get SACD digital out of a less expensive unit I suppose? Oh well. So I'm contemplating subscribing to the SACD Blue Note Kevin Gray and Steve Hoffman Reissues. Of course they're dual format, but is there anything else I should consider if playing back redbook only? Of course there will still be the advantages of the superior sound in remastering, but curious if I'm missing anything buying expecting to only hear the redbook for the foreseeable future? Open-ended question, but...
  3. Thanks for the feedback so far. And yes I was impressed with Filburt's this weekend. Side question though - how high/much do you have to go to get a decent SACD player with DAC capabilities from other sources (840C-like)? I didn't realize the encryption issues with SACD until today. Call me naive. Is there anything in the 1K range even if the DAC is a step down?
  4. Golden Monkey on that other site (hidden in a 740C thread) mentioned the Tributaries - Silver Series video cable (could also be used for coaxial audio) sale over at AudioAdvisor. Of course ridiculous at $340 retail, but three coaxial cables at $30 isn't bad. Thought some here may be interested.
  5. In case anyone is interested they're back on sale... Thermaltake BlacX USB Docking Station - dealmac.com
  6. Because of a change-around this weekend, I was fortunate enough to spend another five-ish hours with the magiDAC (and unfortunate to spend a few with higher end sources), and please let me subtract one 'clear' and modify one 'clearly' from the above. I still think the magiDAC has high bang-for-buck value, but after a little more time I do wonder if the soundstage shrinking could be an issue for more. Using primary an ALAC/Squeezebox/Extreme Platinum (w/5965 & 6080 tubes)/HD580 setup this time (and not the panoramic STAX Lambdas), I became a bit more concerned with this subtraction when swapping from the Squeezebox solo to feeding the magiDAC. Coupled with an impactful sound that tends not to be the opposite - polite, I can imagine the magiDAC not being for a larger segment than I once did. Even forgetting some of the expected advantages like increased transparency and air from higher gear I heard this weekend, compared to the Squeezebox itself, the magiDAC can sound thick occasionally. So while this sounds more negative than my previous post, I'd just shift the focus from the magiDAC being the best $300 DAC available, to should be on your list of DACs in this price point. And oversimplifying more than a bit, maybe not the perfect solution with Diana Krall or Air, but very very satisfying for T. Rex or The Black Keys. And I've still heard worse $500 DACs. NOTE: Although my time listening is still short, the magiDACs were burnt in for 60+ hours before first listen. And if I eventually choose not to stop at the magiDAC it's only because I want to reclimb higher.
  7. Maybe not assuming your computer functions only an audio workstation or you don't mind collecting computers (or at least not selling one to afford another - resale values on Macs tend to be higher than normal so resell is common). Assuming other uses of a computer (after all it's a computer ), a required hardware or software upgrade is easy to imagine and could brake the OS X/Duet relationship. Hell, even dedicated solely to iTunes duty it's possible to see a hardware or especially software upgrade necessary within a few years. Want to play a music video or concert footage in a new codec/format/DRM or send to an Airport Express? Again who expected Apple to drop their own speaker (iSub) support with an OS upgrade? There wasn't even an warning there and suddenly people had tied-to-the-OS dead audio hardware. I assume there's some relationship of customers affected to continued support (though I also assume Duet sales will never match iSubs). If there are enough Duet owners (or maybe more importantly 'professional' owners), perhaps this will not be an issue for the conceivable future. And finally there's no reason to assume this will be an issue, just a concern it may be.
  8. On this subject, there are more than a few of us Apple users that are nervous about where Apple is going with Firewire. Sure dumping it from the iPods and Air could show their specialized nature, but then again with Apples history of legacy hardware (even its own), they could as easily shift Firewire 400/800/1600/3200/etc. to specialized video editing models. I'd hate to get the Duet for its price/performance ratio then have to spend an extra grand in two years time for a 'pro' model to use it. Also take a look at the iSub burying in Leopard for another warning sign. I, for one, would have a Duet if not for this. USB is less likely going anywhere and as long the Pico nears the Duet performance I'd consider its hardware interface to be a plus (not to mention could be used with majority of non-Firewire/non-Mac computers or Macs with other OSs installed). Course, I'd rather the Pico had optical/coaxial inputs so I could use it away from the computer too.
  9. And can someone give a little info on the subscription? Searching the site has come up empty.
  10. Wow, that didn't take long. I know his was held up at customs for a bit so I assume it wasn't in his hands long. Wonder how many day(s)? Would be curious to get his input. I've held off making comments as A) I've barely been around the house for several weeks and given the DAC about five hours of listen, maybe and wanted to have the time to give a more detailed reaction. Since that isn't going to happen soon... It's a little difficult to do a comparative review as there isn't much in the price range and even above I do not have much at my house at the moment. Thus I only A/Bed against the Squeezebox itself and the Pico (at high/2 o'clock). Using both USB and coaxial (fed by Squeezebox), and all the equipment in sig (a least quickly and apologies for that's all the time I've got recently) I'd describe the overall sound as both smooth and impactful. Audiomagus sales pitch uses 'an analog sound' phrase in relationship to digital issues and I think this is quite accurate. If you're a detail freak the magiDAC may not be for you. Certainly the Pico wins there and is overall a superior DAC. It of course is nearly twice the magiDACs intro price (though also includes an amp) and limited to USB input. From memory the Lavry DA10 is also, but we're now talking 3-4x the price. The Squeezebox on the other had was a bit confusing at first. Initially there was an input bleed on my amp which made a comparison difficult, but once that was sorted out it was clear the magiDAC addition was worth it. Although decreasing the soundstage width a bit which may be an issue for some, it moved the midrange forward and filled in the bottom end. Things came alive. I've said some of this before, but decay on piano is quite nice. Vocals intimate. Placement good. Overall a pretty organic presentation which leads to the analog description. Although my time hasn't been long I don't get the impression this is will be a short-term impress. Dynamic range and other tests will have to be in the future. I've always felt the Squeezebox 3/Classic was undervalued as a DAC - again taking price/performance into account, which at least to me in especially necessary with DACs. I certainly would recommend the magiDAC addition to the Squeezebox over certain similarly priced power mods to it (if using the analog outs). I know most here have primary setups quite a bit above the likely magiDACs target population and even its performance, but I'd recommend you consider for secondary setups or for those starting out. I certainly haven't heard a better $300 DAC and have heard worse above $500. I'm fairly inarticulate in reviewing to begin with, but especially with DACs. I likely will have the magiDAC at Icarium's meet so hopefully we'll have a few more impressions soon. Note: This unit had the clock upgrade. I ordered two units and one had a grounding issue and will go back, but the other, used for testing, did not.
  11. I suppose instead of having to disconnect the cable you could disable USB output on the fly? Still far from the best solution, but possibly other option. From their site (and the first audio one I've seen use Geocities ):
  12. Anyone else kinda excited? Logitech Squeezebox Boom pops up on Dutch site - Engadget
  13. Weeeeellll, ignore this whole thread. I'm just getting back to testing and it seems there was a bit of a bleed between inputs on the srm-007t. Just retested with an Extreme Platinum, which had a larger bleed, thus more noticeable, which showed the problem. I'd place the SB3 fed magiDAC over the Squeezebox solo now. Will give more time (I've been insanely busy) for more detailed analysis of the magiDAC, but for now forget the whole Squeezebox bottleneck theory.
  14. Contemplating a source specifically for a SRM-007/Lambda Pro/Sig setup. Looking at the normal suspects - DAC1, DA100 Sig and DA10, which I had previously. Would be used with a computer (with USB & optical) or through a Squeezebox. Haven't used a dedicated CDP for years. Does anyone have suggestions otherwise or comments on that trilogy of choices? Find the Stello interesting, but reports of a darker signature may not make create the best synergy. Anyway appreciative for your advice. May get a chance to try, but looking for longer term impressions, especially with electrostatics. Figure budget $800-1,000. And no that doesn't extend to 'twice that.'
  15. Hmmm my experience is opposite of the two of you. Rarely problems with VLC with MP4s, though there can be a ton of issues with encoding. Maybe it's DRMed and you have to play in iTunes/QT?
  16. x2 on VLC. Or try changing extension to .mp4 and see if you have better luck with your player of choice. .m4v may mean it's encrypted, but just as likely to mean it's .mp4 with a iPod friendly extension.
  17. x2. I used the W5K with Pico exclusively for a bit and I think it was a great bang for buck combo comparatively. Have a W1K coming this week and hope for similar results.
  18. Dan, if there's still a spot left open my weekends have swapped around so I'm actually available next Sat. Can bring some Stax. Just let me know.
  19. Sorry for confusing post. I should keep pre-6am posts to a minimum. Yes, I mean a bottleneck as a transport. The Stax 007t has a couple inputs so it's easy to compare the SB3 (as source) to the SB3 fed magicDAC or SB3 (as source) to the magicDAC off USB. I have a couple magiDACs and Squeezeboxes so perhaps I'll do a SB3 fed magiDAC v. magiDAC off USB test too. I should wait to post as these are only very initial impressions, but I've barely been around my house the last three weeks and my 1 hour impressions (after burn-in) were magiDAC USB > Squeezebox as source > magiDAC fed by Squeezebox. I may change my mind over time, or this could be problem with coaxial processing, but the fact that I had that previous Lavry experience, where I seemed to prefer the DA10 fed optically from the MacBook to fed optically from the Squeezebox (though there were a ton of variables there, including memory) made me wonder. None of this is remotely definitive, hence my question mark in the title. And for those wondering the SB3s volume is max, using the most recent firmware, using decent cables, etc. In the end this may become moot for me as the Pico beats them all, but at the magiDACs current price, and especially for its pre-order price that put it even $70 cheaper, the magiDAC off USB competed favorably with the Pico if cost is considered. The Pico does offer superior detail, soundstage width and overall balance though... at least in my 1 hour test. JP, I may make it to the meet, but I've been away so long I'm just craving a weekend of nothingness and that weekend looks the best possibility. It seems crazy to say I prefer sleep/vegetation to a meet, but that's how I'm feeling.
  20. I've often commented on how undervalued the Squeezebox 3/Classic is as a DAC. I've really thought, and still do, that it performs quite nicely for its price even if you forget it's streaming capabilities. Part of that conclusion though was based on DAC comparisons when fed through the SB3. In fact I sold my Lavry DA10, when after a comparison, I could no longer justify its cost. Before boxing for shipment though I decided to give it one last go fed optically from a MacBook, recreating what I lived with for a year - a DAC/amp single-box combo with balanced HD580s out the back. It sounded wonderful, but so many variables I didn't even think about the Squeezebox (after all bit-perfect 0s and 1s in to bit-perfect 0s and 1s out...). However recently I've picked up a couple Aeolus magiDACs and again I much prefer them fed USB to coaxial from the Squeezebox. In fact I prefer the Squeezebox solo to the magiDAC fed, but magiDAC to either if run off USB (there's a volume adjustment to compensate for, but that's easy enough to correct). Which of course has me thinking back to the Lavry scenerio which I never did, but should have, A/Bed w/wo the Squeezebox in the chain. Although I have a couple Squeezeboxes, a USB relay or USB thru CAT5 extender are possibilities to get everywhere in my housing situation. So I'm thinking about that, but wanted to ask - has anyone else found the Squeezebox to be a bottleneck?
  21. Anyone have experience with the Sewell 16ft extender or recommended another cheap alternative? Debating about switching to a USB DAC solution for a largish space (instead of Squeezebox).
  22. iTunes to manage (with help from Doug's Applescripts) and playback (shared duties with FrontRow) when connected. SqueezeCenter/Squeezebox for playback when not. ALAC mostly.
  23. iTunes to manage (with help from Doug's Applescripts) and playback (shared duties with FrontRow) when connected. SqueezeCenter/Squeezebox for playback when not. ALAC mostly.
  24. For another sign of technological and cultural changes, the first signs of todays LA quake seemed to start with Twitter posts and then spread to traditional media. Here is an example.
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