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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Google Earth for the iPhone was just released. Edit: Guess I got beat.
  2. Netflix finally brings 'Watch Instantly' to Macs via Silverlight - Engadget
  3. I just grabbed Tube Clock. Works better horizontally than vertically (when it gets too small), but thought someone here may enjoy.
  4. Wonder if it's unrealistic to expect at least several steps above the V6 performance?
  5. If you want to use Replay Gain through iTunes, no easier way that iVolume. Thought someone here may be interested. https://www.mupromo.com/
  6. Well, I bought the Fart Can. We'll see for shared work duties. 250 ohm Con version, so should be a little less gassy, no? Hope the Pico isn't a limitation.
  7. You're right. Sorry about the mix-up.
  8. I really can't imagine Opera Mobile comparing to Mobile Safari. For all the Opera Mobile hype, I couldn't believe how far behind the UI was when I recently played with it (though I'm sure it's a major advance compared to WAP, etc.). Really interested in Android, but not the G1. May pick up an iPhone and revisit Android at the end of the two year contract. Hope they both push everyone else. Just wish the G1 reviews would stop about all the 'potential' and instead review the phone. We all know Android can be great. We'll see if Moto, HTC, Sony, etc. screw it up.
  9. Any problem using a couple component video cables as analog ICs? And before I get slammed, yes I've tried it. Just curious if there was any technical reason(s) to avoid?
  10. Good article on updates here: Top 10 things you didn't know about the new MacBook
  11. It looks like they may have the W5000-like non-adjustible wire band. Not good. Can't tell how much (and which direction) cups rotate. Here's hoping for a A900 solution.
  12. blessingx


    2TB for $146 Iomega Value Series 2TB USB2 External HDD $146 - dealmac.com
  13. Looks like first SlotMusic players were just announced. SanDisk's slotMusic albums and $20 Player now ready to be ignored - Engadget
  14. 1000s list & 1000x better than narrowly pop/rock focused: 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
  15. Well if accurate color matching was the highest concern there would be a lot more expensive CRTs in use and everyone would own a spider. Course that would make a lousy laptop.
  16. We know both political parties have support among artists, but do these Hank Williams Jr. lyrics even make sense (logically or structurally)? Does Hank consider McCain a "good-looking dish"? Did "ol' Hank" (assuming this is Jr., though he may be digging up dad) fix anything I should be aware of? Video The left wing liberal media have always been a real close knit family But most of the American people dont believe em anyway you see Stop and think it over Before you make your decision If they smell something wrong, they're gonna come down strong You know McCain-Palin tradition John and Sarah tell you just what they think. They're not gonna blink. And they don't have radical friends to whom their careers are linked John is his own man And Sarah fixed Alaska's broken condition They're gonna be just fine Were headed for good times You know McCain-Palin Tradition This old unions got problems That is plain to see The democrats bankrupted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Like 1-2-3 The bankers didn't want to make all those bad loans Bill Clinton said "you got to!" Now they wanna bail out what I'm talking about Is a democrat liberal hoodoo! To me and you John and Sarah tell you just what they think And they're not gonna blink They're gonna fix this country, cuz they're just like you and ol Hank I am very proud Of our country's name But no society is perfect And we have had our stains If I'm down at the coffee shop Somebody wants to start do give our flag friction I say please move on, were standing strong Thats an Old John McCain tradition John and Sarah tell you just what they think And they're not gonna blink They're gonna fix this country, cuz they're just like you and ol Hank If I'm down at the coffee shop Somebody wants to start do give our flag friction I say please move on, were standing strong Thats an Old Sarah Palin tradition Some are bound to tell you I'm preaching to the choir And that is very true, and we are going even higher Like a Mama bear in Idaho She'll protect your family's condition If you mess with her cubs, shes gonna take off the gloves, thats an American female tradition Ehi tell me Sarah why do you hunt John why do you fish How can you be so smart and savvy such a hey good-looking dish Yes John is his own man And Sarah fixed Alaska's broken condition Were gonna see the light, they're gonna get it right, its a McCain-Palin tradition
  17. I guess I missed that in the event feeds (or was it glossed over?).
  18. So is the "starting at $999" only the old MacBook? Apple Store (U.S.) - MacBook
  19. Damn. Not to say I told you so, but now that the new MacBook has inherited many of the MacBook Pros advantages, Apple needs to separate the product lines. Thus no Firewire (for "serious graphics/ video users"). See now instead of the Pico, Duet users have to spend several hundred more for the "professional" laptop model. Grrrrrr. Wonder how many days Firewire has left after leaving iPods and now MacBooks? Still most of the other laptop upgrades announced today are a plus.
  20. Apple - MacBook - Introducing the new 13-inch MacBook (Video)
  21. Who's going to buy a 2.5TB version for their audio storage? LaCie intros 5big Network drive array to RAID junkies the world over - Engadget
  22. Well, is it worth writing home about?
  23. Anyone try Brian Eno's Bloom? Just did. Very cool. IPhone Apps: Brian Eno's Bloom Raises the Bar for Musical iPhone Apps
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