Well, perhaps I'm being a bit paranoid. Thing is I don't actually know what the fans would ideally run at to keep a constant temperature, I only know they climb to max and stay. I suppose I should test at long period of times to see if the temp stabilizes or eventually overheats, but as I mentioned, a concern would also be the fan life-time (and what happens after) running max constantly. Can't say I've ever had a laptop fan go out, but have several desktops. As for the more important noise issue, I agree open phones aren't the target audience though the more problematic nearby recording mic may be. And the fan noise is quite noticeable even with music playing. Not some, played loudly, but it's audible with most music I've listened lately with all my open phones (and what's so bad about wanting a near silent computer for listening? ). Those are my concerns with my setup, but again I'm not hitting Apogee hard on this because few may be in my position. And again I hope this isn't coming off as bitching, just surprised this isn't more reported (besides a few Apple support pages) is all.