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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. This gets crazy discounted once a year and it's that time. If you want a wealth of fiction, music reviews, film commentary, cartoons, etc. here you go. Although the software isn't up to the content (though updates to it are better than some early reviews), 4,000 issues over 80 years for under $20 is incredible. Content is searchable by keywords, but like all these summary DVD collections, they're not going to go back and get permissions from every writers estate so these are decent resolution images - basically PDFs - of every page, not the text. You get over it quickly though and you can always 'print to PDF' with OS X or Acrobat to get outside. There's an update disc from 2005-2008 also for $19, and it looks like they're abandoning the DVD format so this may be your last chance. Hey make your laptop a poor mans Kindle! David Remnick : The Complete New Yorker - Thenewyorkerstore.com
  2. Wow. How many are of those are there in the world?
  3. Being in San Francisco it's impossible to live here and simultaneously be a deadhead. Maybe if I ever move.
  4. I think we're all talking about the P1.
  5. Glad to hear. That B22 was the first I heard and it was only after hearing a couple others at meets much later, that I wondered about the diversity in options (besides the se/bal board choices). Though again I was relying on memory so couldn't be sure. Sounds like you found some of the differences.
  6. I owned a Beta that I didn't think was up to others I've heard at meets. Afraid I never had very detailed specs on it, so difficult to recommend parts. And the Luxman was loaned to Voltron from Todd and showed up to a Marin meet. Voltron would be good to get greater feedback on it (he's obviously caught in it's power as he's looking at buying). It was an addicting sound I've thought about often, but especially since the HD800 was annouced. Fast, but polite, somewhat like 'stats with the variety of phones at the meet (K701, CD3k and even HD650). If the Beta screams power, the Luxman is the opposite. Reserved. Maybe perfect. Would only know with more time. Voltron would be a good source on the B22 variations also as he acquired one soon after hearing mine and commented on how much better it was.
  7. I've heard a few great Beta22s, but I'm not sure I've ever heard one approach the ZD in an optimal setup. Course as 'Reks said it may come down to your tube/ss preference and I tend to be in the tube group. And on the other end of the ss side you also have the more polite Luxman.
  8. Preliminary tethered jailbreak now available for iPod touch 2G - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
  9. Nice. UFO, Space:1999, Logan's Run and Man From Atlantis in one shot!
  10. Point and Shoot: 1925 | Shorpy Photo Archive
  11. If you want it: Paillard Bolex H8 Mi Gun outfit - eBay (item 370151125694 end time Feb-03-09 09:09:31 PST)
  12. I can't wait to hear an open heart inside my brain!
  13. How Many 90 Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?
  14. It may not have all the functionality you want, but have you tried Google Apps (either through MobileSafari or thru Calendar.app sync with your desktop)? With Google Apps free (along with Flickr or Picassa Web and maybe a free file hosting service) I don't see the point of Mobile Me for most average users. Hell, I'm an Apple fan, but Google Apps and one of the photo hosting sites gives you more functionality and there's reasonable iPhone support (a lot of Googlers have one).
  15. Obama's Secret Record Collection : Rolling Stone
  16. Public Radio Tuner is a pretty useful free app.
  17. This seems a fun app to have around... Annoy-a-teen [iTunes].
  18. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x83jmh_farewell-george_shortfilms
  19. PC Pro: News: Q&A: Microsoft defends return to DRM
  20. My guess is for the majority clamping isn't really the comfort issue. The foam. The foam.
  21. Yeah, I had them on the HF1s. It's really a comfort and soundstage versus more balanced (for a Grado anyway) sound choice. Things were more distant and blurred (or at least dulled) a bit. In comparison with other phones it's not a crazy difference and I went back and fourth, for usually large chunks of time, but if I did it all over again I'd avoid them. There are of course other mod options, but I'm not sure any avoids a SQ sacrifice. In the end I'd probably suggest a different phone if comfort is an issue.
  22. No ploblem here on 1st gen 16gb Touch. Just out of curiousity you uncoded thru iTunes?
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