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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Russian Politicians Want To ‘Take Back’ Alaska 💂‍♂️ https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a40547937/russian-politicians-want-to-take-back-alaska/
  2. Watched the pilot of HBO's The Anarchists. A bunch of American Anarchists get together in Acapulco and live happily ever after.
  3. The bokeh is okay, I guess.
  4. blessingx


    Anyone need a MS Office license for Mac or PC? Lots of other options out there, but probably the best deal if you need one. https://shop.popsci.com/sales/microsoft-office-home-business-for-mac-2021-lifetime-license-2
  5. On that note, well worth 12 minutes of everyone's time...
  6. RIP Joe Turkel, worlds most famous bartender and replicant creator. I didn't realize you played both (among others). https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/joe-turkel-actor-shining-blade-034336342.html
  7. As vintage digital cameras get mentioned here often, fun purge video from this morning (with buying options). Her goal was getting down to two. Good try.
  8. I think Sony went for a different solution.
  9. Posting in case there are other Kaufman fans. Currently stuck in a YT loop with some stuff I've never seen.
  10. BTW, that’s the soundtrack for the short that led to the feature. If you haven’t seen the short…
  11. Okay, I'll bite. Going backwards... ex.
  12. A Saturday morning listen to block out recent SCOTUS decisions, Ye Vagabonds Nine Waves ex.
  13. How much is it without the ad on front?
  14. Kate Kirkwood’s cowscapes https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2022/jun/24/hide-in-plain-sight-kate-kirkwoods-enigmatic-cow-scapes-in-pictures
  15. Glitch: A Film About Circuit Bending
  16. New Wave Salsa looks brickwalled.
  17. Eddie Santiago New Wave Salsa. Probably 1989's greatest album cover. Ex.
  18. After taking a couple year break mid-second season as I thought it was feeling a little sentimental, this week I plowed through the remaining episodes of Gervais‘ After Life. The last season was nearly all wins in my book.
  19. Ken has spent far more time there than I, though it sounds like neither of us have been there in decades, so I can’t speak to current conditions. When I was there it was very split - things subsidized, if you were allowed on, the military side, tourist structured on the other. I vaguely remember I could buy three six packs of beer on one side for cheaper than a single bottled water, on the beach, on the other. The rumor, who knows it if was true, was the Japanese tend to think of it as a cheaper Oahu. Beautiful beaches though. Didn’t spend much time with jungles and snakes.
  20. Guam is surprisingly fun, but don't forget the Palmyra Atoll. Just stay away from the Hazardous Unexploded Ordinance Area.
  21. Had the day off so went on a little adventure in the fire-scarred forests of Brookdale & Boulder Creek, CA - a spontaneous house hunt. Mad photoshop skillz there realtor. Like those photos plus general aging and a tornado or two. Did have a nice omelet in Boulder, hung out with two donkeys, and tried on some glasses.
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