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High Rollers
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Everything posted by blessingx

  1. Info on iTunes LP Some Notes On iTunes LP Jay Robinson
  2. Very cool. Thanks. Kinda like the opposite of Flickr's The End.
  3. Borders has a 25% off coupon, IPL1255, which shaves a few more dollars off. And they seem to have a shorter ship timeline than many. Unfortunately, they also charge tax in more places.
  4. Jesus. Now I'm thinking that $500 USB cable I won at CJ might not be worth $500.
  5. They're part Italian...
  6. Rhapsody App now out... ... and it streams at 64 kbps (not sure the codec). Rhapsody App approved by Apple: 8 million tracks streaming to the ether (update: video!)
  7. Was that a Sergeant Schultz impersonation?
  8. If it's 9.0. Otherwise do an update. It's out.
  9. Favorite shot of presentation so far...
  10. Hey, app management on iPhone. Took a while, but that's nearly enough for me. Live from Apple's 'It's only rock and roll' event
  11. Like others, this happens to me once in a while (and post/pre-SL/Google recent crash). I get around it be going to another Google service - usually Reader - and log off there. Then go back to Gmail and login. Some redirect issue that keeps cycling.
  12. blessingx


    Bruce Weber's LET'S GET LOST: Chet Bakers take on Elvis Costello's ALMOST BLUE
  13. That's great to hear!
  14. Thanks much for the answers j4cbo. This is getting more interesting. It looks like ALAC may have been added to the native list according to the product page specs:
  15. Hey j4cbo, could you tell us briefly what is lost by running TinySC only instead of the full-blown SC? I've seen no plugins and web ui, but don't know the extent of sacrifices for its small code-base. Also is the library scanning process similar to SC for a connected HD and TinySC? Rescan entire library or search for new files (which often created dupes in SC in my experience)?
  16. Tradition!
  17. Here's a little more. Put your headphones on and face the wall... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUBZ3nZAXLo
  18. In the role of a lifetime...
  19. There is no "Archive and Install," though there is a non-upgrade install clearly in the earlier linked image. It's how I installed. SL is built to install on a blank disk, though does this violate licensing is another question. BTW, anyone else having problems with dock/in finder application icons? A few of mine are blank. Seems a few others are experiencing similar, though I haven't found a solution. Apple - Support - Discussions - No icons? Snow Leopard ***? ...
  20. The greatest radio station in the US has its annual CDs/LP/DVD sale coming up. For those in NY area, sounds like fun. WFMU Record + CD Fair
  21. One other post-15 minute thought - depending on the obscurity of specific test tracks, they may or may not have been fingerprinted by the community, thus rely on tags... or ignore them.
  22. Okay, there are a few variables here (though maybe not between us Andrew) including tag versions, player, Last.FM client, client settings, but I've now used the following album names: Abbey Is Blue [WTH Hopstretch] Abbey Is Blue [err... Andrew?] Abbey Is Blue (purrr-ends test) Abbey Is Blue Really Blue Abbey had sex with Evan @ Big Sur I thought the last two might throw it, but it identified the correct album every time, song played five times, etc. The scrob seems to be overriding the tag. Sounds like through "fingerprinting." At least with this track. Scrobbling set to 50%. Maybe your fingerprinting is failing somehow Andrew? A Google came up with... [url=http://blog.last.fm/2009/01/29/closing-in-on-clean-metadata-artist-and-track-spelling-auto-correction-is-here]Last.fm ? the Blog
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