Okay, there are a few variables here (though maybe not between us Andrew) including tag versions, player, Last.FM client, client settings, but I've now used the following album names:
Abbey Is Blue [WTH Hopstretch]
Abbey Is Blue [err... Andrew?]
Abbey Is Blue (purrr-ends test)
Abbey Is Blue Really Blue
Abbey had sex with Evan @ Big Sur
I thought the last two might throw it, but it identified the correct album every time, song played five times, etc. The scrob seems to be overriding the tag. Sounds like through "fingerprinting." At least with this track. Scrobbling set to 50%.
Maybe your fingerprinting is failing somehow Andrew?
A Google came up with...
[url=http://blog.last.fm/2009/01/29/closing-in-on-clean-metadata-artist-and-track-spelling-auto-correction-is-here]Last.fm ? the Blog